
By following consistently the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, studying and implementing in a deep-going way the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and its subsequent plenums, thoroughly studying, promoting and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, conscientiously implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on coordinated advancement in pandemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and bearing in mind the goal of “international perception, domestic focus, heritage, innovation, diversification, and fairness”, the whole education sector of Huadu District overcame difficulties, pursued reforms and innovations, strived to promote high-quality development of education in Huadu, and has completed the assigned tasks of 2022 satisfactorily.

  1. We have made marked achievements in normalized epidemic prevention and control. In 2022, the District's education sector as a whole adhered to the principle of putting the people and their lives first, implemented the general strategy of "prevention of both imported cases and domestic rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearance", and pursued strictly and relentlessly normalized and precise pandemic prevention and control and scientific and standardized response to school emergencies in schools of the District, which effectively protect the safety of life and health of nearly 400,000 teachers and students in the District. Capabilities and sense of responsibility are tested in times of crisis and need. In the face of the "1012" outbreak in Huadu, the District's education sector actively responded to the call, with more than 130,000 people participating in various support tasks and more than 12 million epidemiological survey calls completed.

  2. We have forcefully carried out the "double reduction “policy. Students’ homework burden has been effectively reduced. The "Implementation Plan of Guangzhou Huadu District Education Bureau on Strengthening the Management of Homework in Compulsory Education Schools" was formulated, which clearly specifies the limits of total load and time of homework, and urges schools to implement the "double reduction" policy to ensure that the total load and time of homework is under control. The schools are urged to include all courses required by the state in their curriculum and teach them properly with satisfactory quality; in particular they shall teach all contents that should be taught, refrain from arbitrary change of class hours, increase of difficulty, and speeding up of the progress, and strictly and significantly reduce the number of exams. We are continuously improving the quality of education and teaching. Teaching quality has been continuously improved while the burden of students has been reduced, which is achieved by various means, such as by further promoting classroom teaching reform, improving quality of homework design, tapping into the municipal shared classroom teaching resources of quality, continuing the practice of sending teaching researchers to go down to schools to teach and research, and promoting the construction of group teaching and research cooperative. The level of after-school services has been comprehensively improved. There are 183 schools for compulsory education in the District , and 164 (excluding boarding schools, and special schools) of them are required to provide after-school services; and they all provide complete after-school services to all students that need the services. The Education Bureau has also established an innovative model of after-school services featuring "coordinated by the government, carried out by schools, managed on platform, and cooperated by third-party institutions”. In 2022, the Bureau conducted a rigorous audit of the third-party institutions that had been included as candidates of after-school service provider, and 57 of them are allowed to provide school services, offering 1,533 courses for students to choose from. More has been done to allow students to "sleep on the back” during lunch break. It has been enlisted as one of the top ten practical tasks for people's livelihood in 2022 to allow students of public primary and secondary schools to "sleep on the back” during lunch break, and 8 million yuan worth of special fiscal funds has been secured for it. By the end of December 2022, 100% of students in the District’s compulsory education schools who have participated in the lunch break care program can sleep on their back; and 164 compulsory education schools (excluding full boarding schools and special schools) have achieved the goal of "sleeping on the back” during lunch break. Governance of out-of-school training institutions has been strengthened. Starting from 2022, the Bureau has carried out a series of special joint enforcement actions together with the public security, market supervision and other government agencies, including critical remediation battle, special remediation in winter break, remediation of advertising plaques, and "supervision of seedlings “in summer break. At the same time, a three-level daily touring inspection mechanism involving the Education Bureau, education guidance center, and schools has been established, whose 140 inspection teams, by ways of "day time + night time inspections" and "joint inspections + sampling inspections", performed special inspections of out-of-school training institutions in terms of pandemic prevention and control, fire safety, licenses and qualifications, teaching materials, personnel, and other aspects.

  3. The supply of school places has been improved in both quantity and quality.In 2022, 2,970 more school places were made available in public compulsory education schools after the addition of two high-quality public primary schools with high starting point, namely, the Affiliated School of Xiuquan Middle School in Huadu District, Guangzhou (consisting of 18 classes) and the Affiliated School at Fenghuang Road of Xinhua No. 5 Primary School in Huadu District, Guangzhou (consisting of 12 classes), and the renovation and expansion of Junwei Primary School North Campus (consisting of 36 classes). The construction and opening of six public kindergartens, which was promoted by the Bureau, added 2,520 new school places in public kindergartens. In addition, the new campus of Yayao Junior High School has been basically completed and handed over to the school for use.

  4. The purchase of school places by the government from privately run schools has been solidly promoted. In addition to efforts to expand the supply of school places in public compulsory education schools, the supply of school places in compulsory education schools has been continuously increased through purchase of school places by the government from private compulsory education schools and other means. In the first semester of 2022 alone, a total of 77,499,100 yuan was invested by Guangzhou city and Huadu District to pursue the preferential policy of subsidizing the school places in private compulsory education schools at a rate of 5,000 yuan/person/year in elementary school and 6,000 yuan/person/year in junior high schools, benefiting 30,299 students studying in private schools. In the second semester of 2022, a total of 155.52 million RMB was invested by the city and the District to purchase about 60,000 school places in private compulsory education schools, and the percentage of students in public compulsory education schools (including government purchased private school places) of the District has reached 100%.

What is more, In 2022, eligible conditions for the points-based enrollment system (residence permit and social security) were steamlined, allowing 6,810 people to be eventually admitted through the system, with an admission ratio of 94.57%, both of which are at their record high.

  5. Campus safety and security has been consolidated. The "one touch alarm” system has been installed, and infrastructure construction for fire protection, building, physical defense and others improved. The video monitoring platform has been built. We actively coordinated with the public security department to implement dynamic police deployment around peak hours of people flow, when students go to or leave school, or when the schools held major events, and to improve the "rate of visible policemen, police cars, and police lights" around campuses. We carried out special rectification actions around the campus in terms of traffic, fire, and food safety, etc., and urged schools to do a comprehensive screening of key personnel. In 2022, the District's primary schools, secondary schools, and kindergartens were protected by solid campus safety defense lines.

  6. Remarked progress has been made in developing teacher workforce. In 2022, the number of teachers with professional senior title in the District increased by six. Lai Xuanzhi was awarded the May 4th Medal and the "2021-2022 You Bring Charm to the World Award", and Zhang Wencui of Xiuquan Street Heyue Primary School won a first prize in the Third Guangdong Young Teachers Skill Competition. Another round of recruitment of teachers that are employed by schools but managed by the District was completed, which further stimulated the vitality of teacher workforce.

  7. Overall development in moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor aspects. Visibly effective innovative moral education. Team building for moral education has been advanced on the basis of famous class head teacher workshop, class head teachers' research association and moral education research association. The system has been improved in which principals and party secretaries are required to personally give the first class on Civic Education; and primary and secondary schools were encourage to pair with red education bases inside and outside the District, and to organize teachers and students on tours to such bases. Continuous improvement in intellectual education In terms of the results of the Senior High School Entrance Examination, 1,057 people scored 710 points (which is also called the special cut-off line) in 2022, an increase of 388 people compared with the 669 people who reached the same line in 2021. The highest score in the District was 794, which set a new record of individual student total score of the District. 83 passed the line of 750 points, an increase of 81 compared with 2021. And 1,374 in the District passed the line of 700 points, an increase of 900 compared with 2021. When it comes to the National College Entrance Exam results, the special admission rate has made a historic leap. The number of students passing the special type admission control line (short as special control line) reached 963, exceeding the threshold of 900 (including sports and arts) for the first time, and representing a passing rate of 24.5%; in particular, 846 liberal and science student passed the line, representing a passing rate of 23.8%, an increase of 2.4 percentage points over last year. 117 students were in high-level art groups and sports teams, an increase of 65.7% over last year, which also marked a historic leap. The number of students passing the cut-off line for undergraduate admission was also at its record high. In 2022, there were 2,912 students in the District passed the cut-off line for undergraduate admission, representing a passing rate of 74.2%, an increase of 2 percentage points over last year; which means both number of passing students a passing rate have set a new record. Fruitful achievements in sports and arts education In the 13th Guangdong Secondary School Games the Jump Rope Team and the Orienteering Team of Guangzhou, in both Huadu District plays the leading role, won the second place in total team score in jump rope and in orienteering Group A Xiuquan Middle School won the third place in the high school group in the 8th Session of Guangzhou Primary and Secondary School Students Football Tournament. Xinhua Street Yunshan School and Xinhua Street No. 5 Primary School won the first and the second place respectively in the primary school boys' group B in the 2022 Guangzhou Traditional Sports Event (Table Tennis) School Competition. Experimental Middle School‘s enamel project won the first prize of Demonstration of Art Practice Studio in the 7th Session of Guangdong Province Primary and Secondary School Art Exhibition and was shortlisted for the Demonstration of Art Practice Studio in the 7th Session of National Primary and Secondary School Art Exhibition. Xinhua Street Peixin School’s couching embroidery project won the first prize (the only one of Guangzhou) in the 5th Session of GHM Greater Bay Area School Art Exhibition; Kwong Weiyu Memorial Middle School was shortlisted in the 7th Session of Guangdong Province Primary and Secondary School Art Exhibition for choral works of "Moon over Sand Bay" and "Sound with Love", was listed as one the National Outstanding Grassroots Choirs, and won the champion in Guangzhou Primary and Secondary School Choral Competition for the third time in a row. The choral works of Kwong Weiyu Memorial Middle School and Jiutan Junior High School won the gold and silver prizes in the junior group of the 16th China International Chorus Festival respectively. Labor education stands out with features Taking into consideration development of regional economy and historical and cultural characteristics, many schools have developed school-based labor courses with unique features such as cooking, handicraft, gardening and intangible cultural heritage, prominently "Guangzhou Grey Sculpture" of Yuanxuan Middle School, "Rui Ling Bonsai” of Huanan Primary School of Chini Town, and "Brewing of and Cooking with Stinky Vinegar " of Shigang Primary School.