With a history of more than  150 years, the Ancestral Temple of the Advisory Senior Official Building Complex was built during the Reign of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. Composed of the Advisory Senior Scholar Temple, the Nanshan Academy and the Heng Zhixu Ancestral Hall, it faces the north and covers a total area of22,100 square meters. It was constructed by the Xu-family in Sanhua Village to show off the emperor's kindness. Xu Fangzheng, a villager in Sanhua Village during the Reign of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty, served as a director (Rank 5) of Ministry ofWar. Xu Fangzheng was much recognized by the court, so Emperor Tongzhi gave titles of honour to Xu Dekui and Xu Shixian, who were Xu Fangzheng's grandfather and father respectively, and made them the Advisory Senior Scholar (Rank 2). When he returned his hometown, Xu Fangzheng built the Advisory Senior Scholar Temple together with other clansmen.

  During the same period, Xu Biaozheng, also a villager in Sanhua Village, earned the scholarly honor and served as a chief (Rank 6) of Ministry of War. He was also recognized by the court, so the emperor gave title of honour to his father Xu Shiliang and made him Upright Senior Scholar (Rank 5), and also gave title of honour to his mother and made her Delightful Beauty. When he returned hometown, Xu Biaozheng built theNanshan Academy.
  The Heng Zhixu Ancestral Hall was subsequently constructed by descendants of Xu Fangzheng and Xu Biaozheng to praise great virtues of their ancestors, which has a history of over 140 years. Its overall arrangement is the same with those of the other two, namely, the three buildings are in a cluster, but each has its own room and entrance.
  Address: Sanhua Village, Xinhua Street, Huadu District.