Notice by Organization Department of Huadu District Committee of CPC Guangzhou and Huadu District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangzhou Municipality of Issuing Implementation Measures for Huadu District to Perform Review Duties on Guangzhou Talent Green Card

Regulation No. 2 [2020] Huadu District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security

  All towns, sub-districts and organs directly under the District:

  The Implementation Measures for Huadu District to Perform Review Duties on Guangzhou Talent Green Card have been approved according to the procedure are hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation. Problems encountered in the implementation shall be directly reported to the District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangzhou.

  It is hereby notified.

  Organization Department of Huadu District Committee of CPC Guangzhou

  Huadu District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangzhou

  September 11, 2020

Implementation Measures for Huadu District to Perform Review Duties on Guangzhou Talent Green Card

  In accordance with theNotice by General Office of the People’s Government of Guangzhou of Issuing Talent Green Card System of Guangzhou (Regulation No. 5 [2016] of the Office of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government) and the Notice by the Organization Department of CPC Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security concerning Decentralization of Administrative Review Duties of Guangzhou Talent Green Card(Notice No. 53 [2019] of the Organization Department of CPC Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee), and in light of the realities of the District, the Implementation Measures for Huadu District to Perform Review Duties on Guangzhou Talent Green Card are formulated as follows:

  1. Application Conditions

  1.1. Talents who meet Application Condition 3 in Talent Green Card System of Guangzhou;

  1.2. For talents who meet the economic and social development needs of the District, start a business or work in the District for more than six months each year and have legal residences in the city, may apply for Guangzhou talent green card if they meet any one of the following conditions:

  1.2.1. High-level talents who are recognized or examined and verified by the District;

  1.2.2.Urgently-needed skilled talents whose type of work (post) meets the development needs of automobile making, intelligent equipment, electronic information, airplane maintenance, cosmetics, leather and leatherware, airport industry, cultural tourism and other pillar industries in the District according to the recognition by the District;

  1.2.3.Personnel with graduate degrees and doctoral degrees of regular higher education, with graduate degrees and master’s degrees of regular higher education of “985 Program”, “211 Program” or Double Tops Universities (Class A and B), or with graduate degrees and the degrees above master of the world top 500 overseas first-class universities;

  1.2.4.Personnel who hold a senior management post (senior management post includes: board chairman, vice chairman, general manager, deputy general manager, chairman of supervisory board, chief economist, chief accountant or equivalent posts) in the following key enterprises: Enterprises that contributed over RMB 5,000,000 to the District economic development in the last year; Industrial construction projects and headquarters projects listed as the annual key projects of the District; projects and enterprises which are explicitly supported and attracted by District Committee and District People’s Government; One hundred key enterprises in the science & technology, industry, commerce, applications of information technologies and other industries of the District in the last year; Top 20 in the ranking of finance related institutions in terms of comprehensive output value and tax payment in the last year.

  The lists of enterprises and personnel above will be provided by the Department of Finance, Bureau of Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Technology, and financial sector of the District.

  The interpretations of relevant terms and additional conditions are subject to the Guidelines for Application for Guangzhou Talent Green Card.

  2. Application Process

  The talent green card should be applied online. No paper application will be accepted. The details are as follows:

  2.1. Application. The applicant logs onto “Guangzhou Talent Green Card Management System”, and fills in and uploads relevant forms and attachment materials according to relevant process guidelines.

  2.2. Review and ratification. Within seven working days on receipt of the application materials, District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security accomplishes the review and ratification.

  2.3. Card making. After receiving the card making information, the Municipal Public Security Bureau accomplish making the card within 15 working days subject to the Guidelines for Application for Guangzhou Talent Green Card.

  2.4. Card issuing. When the talent green card is ready, Municipal Public Security Bureau sends it to District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security within 3 working days, where the card will be issued to the applicant, subject to the Guidelines for Application for Guangzhou Talent Green Card.

  3. Supplementary Provisions

  These Measures shall be effective from the date of issue and shall be valid for 5 years. These Measures shall be evaluated and revised based on the implementation condition upon their expiry or in case of any changes on the relevant legal and policy basis.

  Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure

  Issued by Organization Department of Huadu District Committee of CPC Guangzhou and Huadu District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangzhou on September 24, 2020