Notice of Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and ITBureau of Huadu District, Guangzhou on Issuing the Measures of Huadu District for Promoting the Development of the Lodging and Catering Industry (for Trial)

No. 1 [2020]of Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and IT Bureau of Huadu District

All units, towns and streets directly under the authority of the district,

  Upon the approval of the district’s government, the Measures of Huadu District for Promoting the Development of the Lodging and Catering Industry (for Trial) are printed and distributed to you. Please carry out the Measures based on practical situation. If you have any question in the execution, please directly contact Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and IT Bureau (“STICITB”) of Huadu District.

Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and ITBureau of Huadu District, Guangzhou

January 20, 2020

Measures of Huadu District for Promoting the Development of the Lodging and Catering Industry (forTrial)

  In accordance with the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Commerce on Promoting the Transformation and Development of the Catering Industry (No. 71 [2016] of the Ministry of Commerce), the Measures are formulated in the light of the reality of our district to optimize the economic development environment, accelerate the development of the industry, improve lodging and catering services, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the lodging and catering industry in the district.

  1.Support Recipients

  Independent corporate enterprises, individual businesses and social organizations of lodging and catering, which have their places of industrial and commercial registration, tax administration relationships and statistical relationships in Huadu District, conduct lawful operations, have not conducted any business activities in violation of laws and regulations and have not been listed into the “blacklist for dishonesty” in the year of application, will be supported by the Measures.

  Newly-settled enterprises enjoying land policies and supports referring to policies for the green industry should undertake not to move out of Huadu District, not to change obligations of tax payment in Huadu District and not to reduce registered capitals in 10 years. Enterprises that enjoy the supports from other measures (i.e. the measures other than those referring to the policies for the green industry) should undertake not to move out of Huadu District, not to change obligations of tax payment in Huadu District and not to reduce registered capitals in 5 years. Individual businesses and social organizations of lodging and catering should undertake not to move out of Huadu District and not to change obligations of tax payment in Huadu District in 5 years.

  If a support recipient violates its undertaking, the issued support funds will be recovered.

  2.Support funds

  The special support funds forthe development of lodging and catering (“Special Funds”) in Huadu District are established to accelerate the development of lodging and catering industry, guiding the accelerating transformation of lodging and catering industry, improving services and giving play to the important role of lodging and catering in boosting the economic development of the whole district.

  Theoverall arrangement of the Special Funds are made by the finance department of the district based on various factors including application projects and the total amount of funds each year. The funds shall be used in an open and transparent manner with a focus on priorities and an emphasis on actual effect and  “substituting subsidies with rewards” shall be carried out in strict compliance with the regulations on management of the financial funds of the district, so as to speed up the development of lodging and catering industry and encourage enterprises to be larger and stronger, thereby giving play to the guiding and incentive role of financial funds.

  3.Supportive Measures

  3.1. Well-known enterprises of lodging and catering industry are supported to build tourism supporting facilities. The initial transfer price of the land for enterprises will be fixed at the rate of no less than 50% of the evaluated land market price for office purpose of corresponding location, and shall not be lower than the sum of the land acquisition cost, the early development cost of land and the relevant fees that should be collected according to regulations and not be lower than the minimum land transfer price fixed by the state and the province. The specific implementation is subject to the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the People’s Government of Guangzhou on Strengthening Land Management (No.7 [2018] of the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government).

  3.2.Policy supports will be given to a lodging and catering enterprise newly included into the statistical scope according to the Detailed Implementation Rules of Huadu District, Guangzhou for Supporting the Innovative Development of the Green Industry, if it meets one of the following conditions:

  3.2.1.An enterprise that is newly established or moved into Huadu District where it occupies the land for industrial purpose and makes contributions to local economic development that exceeds the base of per-mu contributions to economic development stipulated in the cooperation agreement between the enterprise and the government.

  3.2.2.An enterprise that is newly established or moved into Huadu District where it does not occupy the land for industrial purpose and makes a annual contribution of over 2,000,000 yuan to local economic development.

  The above development reward supports cannot be applied for simultaneously with the supportive measures in Paragraphs 3 to 5 of this section.

  3.3.A one-off reward of 50,000 yuan will be given to a lodging and catering enterprise or an individual business newly included into the statistical scope.

  3.4.A one-off reward of 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan or 1,000,000 yuan will be given respectively to lodging and catering enterprises newly included into the statistical scope if their turnover reaches 10,000,000 yuan, 30,000,000 yuan or 50,000,000 yuan in the year of inclusion.

  3.5.A one-off reward of 100,000 yuan will be given to a newly registered and established headquarters gathering chain brands of lodging and catering if it is newly included into the statistical scope, and a one-off reward of 200,000 yuan will be given to it if its annual turnover reaches 5,000,000 yuan.

  Supportive measures in Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 cannot be applied for simultaneously.

  3.6.A reward of 10,000 yuan will be given to a lodging and catering enterprise in the statistical scope of the district for every increase of 5,000,000 yuan in its annual turnover. The reward is subject to a ceiling of 500,000 yuan for each enterprise.

  3.7.A reward of 20,000 yuan will be given to a lodging and catering enterprise in the statistical scope of the district that has an annual turnover of more than 50,000,000 yuan (included) for every increase of 5,000,000 yuan in its annual turnover. The reward is subject to a ceiling of 1,000,000 yuan for each enterprise.

  Supportive measures in Paragraphs 6 and 7 cannot be applied for simultaneously.

  3.8.Enterprises, individual businesses and social organizations of lodging and catering are supported to build “Guangdong Cuisine Chef” studios and/or training rooms. If they operate or promise to operate for three years or longer, the above-mentioned studios and/or training rooms will be subsidized with an amount equal to the investment volume or 50% of the total cost of the project and the subsidy is subject to a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project.

  3.9.For activities sponsored by social organizations of lodging and catering such as food festival, cooking skill competition, “Huadu Taste” selection of classic dishes and training of “Guangdong Cuisine Chefs”, their sponsors will be will be subsidized with an amount equal to 60% of the total cost of the activity spent on the publicity, exhibition arrangement, site layout, lease of equipment and venue according to the influence of the activities. Specifically, the total annual subsidies for a food festival will not exceed 500,000 yuan; and the annual subsidies for activities such as cooking skill competition, “Huadu Taste” selection of classic dishes and training of “Guangdong Cuisine Chefs”, will not exceed 200,000 yuan for each.

  The above subsidiesshall be applied for in advance and the sponsor shall submit the application to STICITB of the district 15 days before the activity is held.

  3.10.Restaurants (diamond-level restaurants that receive no financial support of the district), which are newly ranked or re-ranked as national “platinum 5-diamond level”, “five-diamond level” or “four-diamond level”, will be given a one-off reward of 1,000,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan respectively. Tourist hotels (starred hotels that receive no financial support of the district), which are newly ranked or re-ranked as national “platinum 5-star level”, “five-star level” or “four-star level”, will be given a one-off reward of 1,000,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan respectively.

  The “newly included into the statistical scope” and “turnover” used herein are both based on the statistical data of the Statistical Bureau of the district. Where theMeasures are repetitive (overlaps) with the rewards in the other documents of our district, a support recipient may choose to apply whichever applicable to it, provided that such rewards shall not be repetitively enjoyed.

  4. Application for the Support Funds of Reward and Procedure of Review and Approval

  4.1.Application and acceptance. The Special Funds shall be applied for in the third quarter of each year. An applicant should fill out the Application Form for the Special Funds for Development of the Lodging and Catering Industry of Huadu District or the Application Form for New Increase in Above-Limit Enterprise Reward in the Special Funds for Development of the Lodging and Catering Industry of Huadu District (see appendixes hereto), get ready the written application materials in quadruplicate and in electronic form and then submit them to STICITB of the district. STICITB will give a notice of acceptance in 7 working days if the materials are complete; if the materials are incomplete, STICITB will give a one-off request for additional information to the applicant. STICITB of the district will issue a application notice to specify the necessary materials and the time of application each year.

  4.2.Examination and verification. STICITB of the district will examine and verify the accepted applications for projects and seek for opinions from related units including all towns and sub-districts, the Motor City Management Committee, the Airport Economic Management Committee, the Statistical Bureau, Taxation Bureau, Finance Bureau, Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, TV, Tourism and Sports, Administration for Market Regulation and Bureau of Public Health of Huadu District, Huadu District Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, Huadu District Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment and Huadu District Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Public Security. These related units shall respond to STICITB of the district within 7 working days after receipt of the written request for opinions. STICITB of the district will form a list of support projects on the basis of the requirements for application and the opinions of the units; if a project does not meet the requirements for application, the application will be returned and reasons will be explained.

  4.3.Review. STICITB of the district will follow the principle of “fairness, justice and openness” and authorize a third-party institution to organize experts to review the projects applying for the incentive support funds. Opinions of experts will be submitted to the meeting of the Party Group of STICITB for study and decision.

  4.4.Publication. STICITB of the district will publish the project application status and the list of incentive support projects and amounts for 10 days.

  4.5.Appropriation of funds. If no objection is raised to the content published, STICITB of the district will incorporate the incentive support funds into its departmental budget for the next year, report it to the Finance Bureau of the district for examination and then report the approved budget according to specified procedure so that the Finance Bureau of the district will appropriate the funds according to the system for centralized payment from the treasury.

  5. Reinforcement of Supervision and Management

  5.1. STICITB and the Finance Bureau of the district shall make every effort to carry out the management and supervision of the Special Funds according to their division of duties.

  The responsibilities of STICITB of the district include applying for funds and budget, compiling the plan for distribution and use of funds, organizing project application and review, carrying out the evaluation of project performance, disclosure, supervision and inspection of information. The relevant content, including these Measures, application status of projects and fund distribution results, will be published on the official website of the government of Huadu District,

  The Finance Bureau of the district is responsible for examining and verifying the compilation of fund budget and handling the appropriation of funds, etc.

  5.2. After receipt of the Special Funds, an applicant should make corresponding financial and accounting arrangements according to the General Rules Governing Financial Affairs in Enterprises and its own financial system, and set up a sound system for management of financial files. The Special Funds should be used mainly, in strict compliance with relevant regulations, for the green development, innovative development, transformation and upgrading of lodging and catering enterprises, individual businesses and social organizations and activities related to lodging and catering rather than for any other purpose.

  5.3. STICITB of the district will make performance evaluation on the use of the funds. The fund receiver should make performance self-evaluation as required and consciously accept the third-party performance evaluation by STICITB of the district or its authorized third-party institution. The Finance Bureau of the district will perform the duties of performance management according to regulations.

  5.4. STICITB of the district will conduct supervision and inspection on the use of the funds. The financial, audit and supervisory departments of the district will carry out regular or irregular inspection and audit if necessary.

  5.5. If an applicant commits any illegal act including misrepresentation, false claim to obtain the Special Funds during the application and use of the funds, the applicant should be subject to punishment according to laws and regulations including Regulations on Punishing Financial Violations of Laws, disqualified from applying for the incentive support funds and the dishonesty information about the applicant will be made public; if any crime is involved, the applicant shall be turned over to the judicial authorities.

  5.6. “Up to”, “increase”, “more than” and “not exceed” referred to herein should include the number.

  6. The Measures are put into force from the date of printing and distribution, valid for 2 years.

  Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure.