Notice by Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality on Issuing the Management Measures of Huadu District of Guangzhou Municipality on Identification and Operation Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises

Hua Nong Gui Zi [2021] No. 1

All township people’s governments, street community offices, and related units of Huadu District,

The Management Measures of Huadu District of Guangzhou Municipality on Identification and Operation Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises have been approved by Huadu District People’s Government and are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation.

Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality

June 12, 2021

Management Measures of Huadu District of Guangzhou Municipality on Identification and Operation Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises

Article IIn order to standardize the identification of district-level leading agricultural enterprises, and enhance the operation monitoring and promote the development of high-end, high-quality and high-tech urban modern agriculture of the District, subject to the Measures for Administration of the Identification and Operation Monitoring of Key National Flagship Enterprises of Agricultural Industrialization (Nong Jing Fa [2018] No. 1) issued by eight ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Management Measures for Identification and Operation Monitoring of Key Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Guangdong Province (Yue Nong Nong Gui [2020] No. 11) released by eight departments of Guangdong Province, including the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, and other relevant regulations, the provisions of the Notice by the Guangzhou Mulnicipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs onRevising and Issuing the Management Measures of Guangzhoufor Identification and Operation Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises (Sui Nong Gui Zi [2020] No. 2), the Management Measures are hereby formulated in light of the actualities of Huadu District.

Article II These Management Measures are applicable to the identification and operation monitoring and relevant management activities of leading agricultural enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou.

The district-level leading agricultural enterprisesin the Management Measures refer to the enterprises which are registered in the administrative region of Huadu District, Guangzhou, take the agricultural product production, processing, circulation, seed industry, sightseeing and leisure agriculture, special species cultivation, agricultural technical service and other agriculture-related industries as the main business, meet the specified standards in such aspects as enterprise scale, driving force and competitiveness and are confirmed by the Huadu District Government.

Article III The identification and operation monitoring of district-level leading agricultural enterprises are subject to “open, fair, just and survival-of-the-fittest” principles.

Article IVThe Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organizes the declaration, identification, monitoring and check of district-level leading agricultural enterprises.

Article V The declaring enterprises must meet the following conditions:

(I) Meet the conditions specified in Article II and have the independent corporate capacity;

(II) Must take the agricultural product production, processing, circulation, seed industry, sightseeing and leisure agriculture, special species cultivation, agricultural technical service and other agriculture-related industries as the main business, and the agriculture-related business revenues account for 51% or more in the total revenues;

(III) Have a certain scale and strong driving force and competitiveness;

(IV) Have a good operation status and credit standing.

Article VI The district-level leading agricultural enterprises shall be disqualified for the identification if they have committed any of the following acts. If they have already enjoyed the qualification, it shall be cancelled.

(I) Practise fraud and provide untrue data;

(II)Subject to the administrative punishment due to afflicting agricultural damage on the farmers in the past one year;

(III)The work safety accident related to agricultural machinery occurs in the past one year;

(IV)Subject to the punishment imposed by the administrative department of agriculture and rural affairs due to the production of unqualified agricultural products in the local production link in the past three years; relevant responsible person is prosecuted for criminal liability due to the production of unqualified agricultural products in the local production link in the past four years;

(V) In the past one year, the grain, vegetable and fruit growing enterprises fail to purchase and use the commercial organic fertilizers at least 0.5 tons per mu and reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers;

(VI)Be investigated and punished due to gaining the agricultural financial funds by cheating in the past five years;

(VII)Other acts due to which the qualification of district-level leading agricultural enterprises should be cancelled according to the laws, regulations and rules.

The period specified in Items (II)-(VI) of this article should be calculated retrospectively from the date ofprinting and distribution of the circular concerning the identification of district-level leading agricultural enterprises in the that very year.

Article VII According to the characteristics of main business of the enterprises, they are divided into agricultural product production type; agricultural product processing and circulation type; agricultural product market-driven type; agricultural technical service type; and other agriculture-related industry type (5 industrial types). The points are given in such aspects as proportion of agriculture-related business revenues, scale, credit, driving force and competitiveness of the enterprises, and the enterprises with a comprehensive score of more than 80 points (including 80 points) are listed as the candidate enterprises. (Refer to Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 for the classification standards and scoring standards.)

Article VIII The declaring enterprise must truthfully provide the following materials:

(I)Declaration Form for Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Huadu District of Guangzhou Municipality;

(II) Financial audit report of the enterprise of last year issued bythe qualified accounting firm;

(III) Photocopy of property right certificate of production base or land and production facility lease contract, agreement, and investment cooperation certificate signed by the enterprise;

(IV) Contracts (agreements) for agricultural product purchase and sales, contract farming, equity participation and dividend sharing, profit return, lease etc. signed with the farmers, farmers’ cooperatives, family farms, specialized households and the like, a list of benefited farmers (name, address and contact number) and relevant financial certificates;

(V) List of farmers (fishermen) recruited by the enterprises, materials related to participation in the staff social insurance programs (the enterprise may providethe letter of commitment to having participated in the staff social insurance programs or provide the proof of staff social insurance payment and the payroll containing the withholding of staff social insurance payment);

(VI) Product quality, environmental protection, high-tech enterprise certificates, scientific and technological achievements, trademarks, patent and other materials;

(VII) Supply contracts, invoices and other materials for the purchase of commercial organic fertilizers by the grain, vegetable and fruit growing enterprises.

Article IX Declaration and identification procedures

(I) Declaration.

The declaring enterprise directly makes an application to the Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.


1. TheHuadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs preliminarily audits the materials provided by the declaring enterprises, solicits the opinions from the Development and Reform Bureau, Tax Bureau, Market Regulation Bureau, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Sub-bureau of Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Sub-bureau of Municipal Ecological Environmental Bureau and other departments of Huadu District as well as towns and street communities, and makes a recommended enterprises catalogue.

2. TheHuadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs entrusts an intermediary to audit the declaration materials of the enterprises listed in the recommended enterprises catalogue, and give points according to the classification standards and scoring standards and deliver the review opinions.

(III) Identification.

1. TheHuadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs comprehensively considers the audit opinions and scoring results of the intermediary and puts forward a roster of would-be identified leading agricultural enterprises;

2. Thisroster will then be publicized for fifteen (15) days. In case of no objection during the publication period, these enterprises will be reported to the Huadu District Government for final identification. If any objection exists, the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the District will further examine the objected enterprises. If they meet the identification conditions for district-level leading agricultural enterprises, they will be reported to the Huadu District Government for final identification. Otherwise, their identification qualification will be cancelled.

3. TheHuadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs awards the title of “Leading Agricultural Enterprise of Huadu District of Guangzhou” to the enterprises identified by the Huadu District Government, and issues the identification certificate and plaque and makes an public announcement.

Article X The qualification of “Leading Agricultural Enterprise of Huadu District of Guangzhou” granted by the Huadu District Government shall be valid for three (3) years from the date of identification. After the valid term expires, if the enterprise fails to go through the re-identification, it will be automatically disqualified from the title of the “Leading Agricultural Enterprise of Huadu District of Guangzhou”.

Article XI An identified and published district-level leading agricultural enterprise is entitled to enjoy the interest subsidy policy for bank loan. According to the departmental budgets, the District annually arranges the interest subsidies for bank loans of the leading agricultural enterprises at the district level or above.

Article XII The information submission system shall be established. The district-level leading agricultural enterprises shall be dynamically monitored. The district-level leading agricultural enterprises shall report the annual business performance as required, which acts as a basis for monitoring evaluation.

Article XIIIThe Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organizes the operation monitoring of the district-level leading agricultural enterprises. The monitoring is carried out according to the standards specified in Article V, Article VI and Article VII of these Management Measures. The specific procedures, time, object and material requirements are subject to the circular from the Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The monitoring results are announced after being reported by the Huadu District Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to the Huadu District Government for confirmation.

The enterprises deemed to be qualified in the monitoring continuously enjoy the qualification of “Leading Agricultural enterprises of Huadu District of Guangzhou”. Regarding the enterprises deemed to be unqualified in the monitoring, the qualification of “Leading Agricultural enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou” shall be cancelled.

The national, provincial and municipal key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization inthe District are not subject to district-level operation monitoring, and relevant work is done together with the monitoring organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Article XIV Where a leading agricultural enterprise of Huadu District, Guangzhou changes its name, legal representative, place of registration or other important information, it must report such a change in writing to the administrative departments of agriculture of town and sub-district as well as the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the District, and submit relevant materials.

Article XV These Management Measures shall come into force from the date of promulgulation, with the valid term being five (5) years. The Management Measures of Huadu District of Guangzhou Municipality for Identification and Operation Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises (Hua Nong Lin [2018] No. 405) are annulled simultaneously.

Attachment1.Classification Standards for Identification of Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou

2.Scoring Standards for Identification and Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou   

Form of Disclosure: Active Disclosure

Attachment 1

Classification Standards for Identification of Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou

Enterprise Type



I. Agricultural product production

An agricultural enterprise which takes the planting, cultivation and fishing as the main business.

II. Agricultural product processing and circulation

An agricultural enterprise which takes the agricultural product processing, storage and circulation as the main business.

III. Agricultural product market-driven

An agricultural enterprise which takes the agricultural product wholesale market as the main business.

IV. Agricultural technical service

An agricultural enterprise which takes the technical services in the agricultural bioengineering, controlled environment agriculture, agricultural product deep-processing and value-added conversion, agricultural informatization, agricultural resources protection and comprehensive utilization, agricultural mechanization, cultivation, breeding and promotion of seeds and seedlings, genetic resource conservation and other fields as the main business.

V. Other agriculture-related industry

An enterprise which is engaged in the production of advanced agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds, fertilizers etc.; aquaculture of ornamental fish and other special aquatic products; slaughtering service, sightseeing and leisure agriculture, internet+ agriculture and other new types of agriculture.

Attachment 2

Scoring Standards for Identification and Monitoring of Leading Agricultural Enterprises of Huadu District, Guangzhou

Enterprise Type

I. Agricultural product production

II. Agricultural product processing and circulation

III. Agricultural product market-driven

IV. Agricultural technical service

V. Other agriculture-related industry

I. Proportion of agriculture-related business revenues in the total revenues (20 points)

If the proportion reaches 51%, 20 points are given; if the proportion fails to meet the indicator, no points are given.

II. Enterprise scale

1. Total assets

4 points are given if the total assets reach RMB 3,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 500,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 1,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 4 points in total.

4 points are given if the total assets reach RMB 8,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 1,000,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 2,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 4 points in total.

4 points are given if the total assets reach RMB 20,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 2,000,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 5,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 4 points in total.

4 points are given if the total assets reach RMB 1,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 100,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 500,000; the added score shall not exceed 4 points in total.

4 points are given if the total assets reach RMB 4,000,000 (where the those related to the production of agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds and fertilizers etc. and to the slaughtering services reach RMB 8,000,000); 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 500,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 2,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 4 points in total.

2. Fixed assets

3 points are given if the fixed assets reach RMB 800,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 100,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 200,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

3 points are given if the fixed assets reach RMB 2,500,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 500,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 1,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

3 points are given if the fixed assets reach RMB 20,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 2,000,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 3,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

3 points are given if the fixed assets reach RMB 500,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 100,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 200,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

3 points are given if the fixed assets reach RMB 1,000,000 (where those related to the production of agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds, fertilizers etc. and to the slaughtering services reach RMB 3,000,000); 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 100,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 300,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

3. Annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount

23 points are given if the annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount reaches RMB 4,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 200,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 1,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

23 points are given if the annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount reaches RMB 8,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 1,000,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 2,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

23 points are given if the annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount reaches RMB 50,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 10,000,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 10,000,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

23 points are given if the annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount reaches RMB 4,000,000; 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 200,000; 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 500,000; the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

23 points are given if the annual sales (operating) revenue or trading amount reaches RMB 2,000,000 (where that related to the production of agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds, fertilizers etc. and to the slaughtering services reaches RMB25,000,000); 1 point is deducted for every decrease of RMB 100,000 (RMB 500,000, as to the production of agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds, fertilizers etc. and slaughtering services); 1 point is added for every increase of RMB 500,000  (RMB 2,000,000, as to the production of agricultural machinery, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feeds, fertilizers etc. and slaughtering services); the added score shall not exceed 3 points in total.

Enterprise Type

I. Agricultural product production

II. Agricultural product processing and circulation

III. Agricultural product market-driven

IV. Agricultural technical service

V. Other agriculture-related industry

III. Enterprise credit

1. Tax arrears

In the audit year of the enterprise, if the taxes are paid according to the law, 5 points are given; if the tax arrears exist, 0 point is given.

2. Labor employment management

If the enterprise is free from the arrears of staff wages, and passes the identification by the labor supervision department, and pays the social insurance premiums according to the regulations, 5 points are given; if any item fails to meet the standard, 5 points are deducted.

3. Bank credit

If the enterprise is law-abiding and honest and operates normally in the daily economic activities, 5 points are given; if the enterprise has any bad credit record in the financial institution, 2 points are deducted.

IV. Driving force

If the number of tightly driven farmer households are 20 or the number of loosely driven farmer households are 100, 10 points are given; if the requirement is not met, 0 point is given.

V. Competitiveness

The points are added if the following conditions are met, and the added score shall not exceed 30 points.

1. If the production base of the enterprise is listed as the “Vegetable Basket” production base of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 20 points are given.

2. If the enterprise is rated as the livestock and poultry breeding demonstration factory, aquaculture demonstration factory or standard vegetable (fruit) growing park of the Ministry of Agriculture, 10 points are given.

3. If the enterprise gains the prize for agricultural scientific and technological achievements, the prize for scientific and technological promotion or high-tech enterprise qualification at the municipal level or above, 10 points are given.

4. If the enterprise is the cultivation, breeding and promotion all-in-one enterprise, backbone enterprise in China’s seed industry, Grade A credit enterprise in the seed industry, or state-level seed multiplication farm or is identified (or rated) as the seed industry platform enterprise at the municipal level or above, 10 points are given.

5. If the enterprise obtains the honorary title of leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration site, sightseeing and leisure agricultural demonstration park or agricultural park at the municipal level or above, or is rated as Grade 3A or above tourist attraction, 10 points are given.

6. If the enterprise is identified as the provincial improved variety factory, stock livestock and poultry farm or progenitor breeding poultry factory, 8 points are given. If it is identified as the municipal seed multiplication farm, parental breeding poultry farm or breeding-stock propagation farm, 5 points are given. If the license for crop seed operation (production and operation) is obtained, 5 points are given.

7. If the well-known (famous) trademark certificate, provincial famous brand product certificate, Vegetable Basket base certificate of Guangdong Province, organic food certificate, green food certificate, pollution-free agricultural products certificate, certificate of origin of agricultural product, or geographical indication product certificate is obtained, 8 points are given; if the enterprise is identified as the agricultural demonstration area at the municipal level or above, 5 points are given.

8. If the right to new varieties of plants is possessed, more than one product obtains the state-level prize, the commodity output value is more than RMB 5,000,000, or more than 1% of market share nationwide of such a product variety is occupied, 7 points are given.

9. If the fishery breeding enterprise has completed the pond breeding water treatment required by Guangzhou City and its pond water meets the water quality requirements, 3 points are given.

10. If the production can be carried out according to the national standards, industrial standards and local standards or higher standards, 2 points are given.

11. If the agricultural product processing enterprise has the processing base or production facility meeting the national environmental protection standards or food processing health standards, 5 points are given provided that one item is met, and 10 points are given provided that two items are met.

12. If the agricultural product circulation enterprise and market-driven enterprise have the trading site meeting the national environmental protection requirements, or agricultural product transportation (storage) facility, 5 points are given provided that one item is met, and 10 points are given provided that two items are met.

13. If the rate of return on total assets is not lower than the benchmark interest rate of one-year bank loan of financial institution, 5 points are given.

14. If the enterprise has the invention patent certificate or trademark registration certificate, 3 points are given; if no, 0 point is given.

15. If the enterprise has the enterprise management system and financial system, passes the enterprise management system certification or passes the occupational safety and health management system certification, 4 points are given; if no, 0 point is given.

16. If the enterprise is rated as the honest enterprise of environmental protection or good enterprise of environmental protection or the trustworthy enterprise, 3 points are given for; if no, 0 point is given.

Notes:① The audit year in these Management Measures shall be counted back one year from the date of printing and distribution of the circular concerning the identification of district-level leading agricultural enterprises in that very year.

② The tightly driven farmer households in these Management Measures refer to “the farmer households are driven by employment, order-based purchase, farmland lease, and farm house lease and the like, and they are subject to the order, contract and wage payment accounting certificate”; the loosely driven farmer households refer to “ the farmers are driven by the following means: the agricultural products are purchased, the technical training is carried out, the technical services are provided, and the operation site, product or service radiation is provided, and they are subject to the contract, accounting certificate, training record, and ledger”. The tightly driven farmer households and the loosely driven farmer households may be converted as per 1:5, and one item is met or the sum after conversion meets one item.