Meihua Aviation Project Base Phases into operation

During the 2021 “Huadu in Media’s Eye" communication event held in the District, reporters from more than 30 domestic mainstream media visited Meihua Aviation project base to have their immersive experience with "flying a plane".

Information shows that Meihua Aviation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Xuehang Group Co., Ltd. The company was incorporated in Huadu District in 2016 to build the Meihua Aviation Base. Located in the "Aviation Tech Town”, a core area planned by Huadu District Government, the base covers a total planned land area of about 49.4 acres. With a total planned investment of more than 7 billion yuan, it is designed to be the largest independent, integrated, internationally advanced and training-focused aviation project base with influence across Asia.

Starting from October this year, the main body of the training building in Zone A of the base was gradually put into operation, and it is planned that the whole section will be completed and put into use in April 2022 after decoration.

The largest independent aviation training center in central and south China

The base will be constructed in two phases. The first phase covers a total land area of 33 acres. It is planned to house 20 full flight simulators for pilot training, "two centers" (aviation training center, and industrial development center), and "three bases" (aerospace Party Building base, aerospace science popularization and experience base, themed photography base) for the operation of comprehensive aviation professional training, aviation science popularization and experience, aerospace Party Building exhibition, aviation themed photography, accommodation and catering of related persons and other projects. Now, the aviation training center has been gradually put into operation. At its full capacity, it will be the largest independent aviation training center in central and southern China, and the first professional third-party flight training organization with CAAC’s CCAR142 certification in southern China.

The second phase will cover a total land area of 16.4 acres. It is planned to house 30 full flight simulators for pilot training, and a complete range of supporting facilities, including office buildings, hotels for accommodation and catering of training staff, and other projects.

The simulator halls have been gradually put into use

A total of 50 state of art full flight simulators are planned to be deployed by Meihua Aviation in the base. At present, simulator halls 1-4 of the first-phase have been completed and are ready for installation of 20 simulators. The simulator halls have been gradually put into use.

The base’s first simulator, one for B737-300 airplane, successfully passed CAAC’s initial appraisal on September 18. This is one of the few B733 simulators in China; with high degree simulation of the operating status, visual system, and projection system, it can provide the crew with the most realistic flight training experience. Target customers include SF Express, China Postal Airlines, Longhao, Zhongzhou, and other major domestic cargo airlines operating with 733 planes.

Having also passed the initial appraisal of CAAC on October 22, the brand-new simulator for B737-800 imported from British L3 Company now is providing flight training for this model to many contracted partner airlines such as JD Air Cargo and China Postal Airlines. The A320 simulator will also be subject to the initial appraisal of the CAAC soon, and if it is completed successfully, the simulator will mainly use to provide training support for flight crews of China Southern Airlines and other airlines.

According to Xue Jianmei, board chair of Guangzhou Xuehang Logistics Co., Ltd and Guangdong Meihua Aviation Technology Co., Ltd, "this simulator is made in a 1:1 reproduction ratio; 1:1 ratio to the real aircraft. The real parts used in it can be installed and run on a real plane. A simulator may offer at least fifteen or sixteen hours of training per day, and the number can be up to 20 hours. It’s like a plane in operation must have three or four hours set aside for maintenance, the simulator is working at its full capacity. "

It has been learned that Meihua Aviation will have more flight simulators stationed at the base by early next year. And the B737-800 and A320 cabin equipment purchased by Meihua Aviation will also be delivered and installed completely by the end of this year and will be put into operation in due course.