The3rd International Smart Shared Mobility Congress 2021 held in Huadu

Academicians and experts brainstorm to promote development of "green and smart" mobility

The 3rdInternational Smart Shared Mobility Congress, a grand event in the field of smart shared mobility, was held this year Huadu.

With the theme of “Embrace New Ecology of Smart City and Build Together New Future of Mobility”, the Congress is held under the guidance of Guangzhou People's Government, jointly hosted by China Society of Automotive Engineers and China Industry Innovation Alliance for the Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, and organized by Huadu District People's Government and CSAE Automotive Innovation and Strategy Institute. It is organized using both online and offline methods, where government leaders, academicians, experts, and corporate executives from automobile, transportation, information and communication, urban planning, energy and other related fields home and abroad were invited to exchange ideas and brainstorm in various forms such as special forums, international forums, round-table dialogues, and technology demonstrations and experiences on the strategy, approaches, best practices and other topics of smart mobility based on intelligent and connected vehicles, with the aim to achieve consensus and shed light on the direction of industrial and technological development.

Keynote speeches by heavyweight academicians and experts to guide the new development of the industry technology

The Congress witnessed keynote speeches delivered online and offline respectively by Li Jun, CAE academician and chair of China Society of Automotive Engineers, and Li Keqiang, CAE academician, professor at Tsinghua University, and chief scientist of the National Innovation Center for the Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Mr. Li Jun pointed out the essential role of top-level design in the development of smart shared mobility, and proposed that future mobility and urban governance upgrade should be based on the deep integration of smart city, smart transportation and smart cars; his proposal provided powerful guidance for the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry and technological innovation. Mr. Li Keqiang shared his thinking on the development strategy for intelligent and connected vehicles and for smart mobility in China, and offered his insight about how to develop smart mobility and smart city in the future, which in essence covered an integrated system consisting of vehicles, roads and clouds, as well as its key technologies and innovative applications.

The People’s Government of Huadu District, Guangzhou officially announced at the Congress the "Action Plan of Guangzhou Huadu for the Pilot Innovation Hub Zone for Autonomous Driving in the Greater Bay Area". According to the Plan, Huadu District, which is already endowed with a solid automobile industry, a favorable geographic location in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and the advantages as a dual hub of railway and air transportation, will introduce intelligent and connected vehicle technologies in the development of the air-rail dual hub, and create a benchmark demonstration hub zone for autonomous driving; the Plan envisions more than 150 kilometers of autonomous driving demonstration roads by 2023, and full coverage of Huadu by autonomous driving by 2025. According to the Action Plan”, more than 43 kilometers of roads with digital infrastructure will be built by 2023 within areas directly affected by the air hub and rail dual to make it possible for more than 1,000 vehicles of various types, such as buses, taxis, logistics vehicles, and functional vehicles, to be autonomously driven at the same time in more than 20 demonstration scenarios; by 2025, the District will lead in the country in terms of the number of autonomous driving vehicles for demonstration purpose and the length of intelligent roads built; a smart mobility system will begin to take shape and satisfy people of Guangzhou, as well as business people, makers, travelers, and guests from around the world who wish to have smart mobility, and thereby promote in the region the integrated development of intelligent and connected vehicle industry and smart city.

The Shared Mobility Working Group of the National Sharing Economy Technology Standardization Committee will be established to support the commercialization in this field.

In response to the development trends of intelligent, low-carbon, high-efficiency, and service-oriented economy and society in the future, China Society of Automotive Engineers has prepared and established, under the guidance of the National Sharing Economy Standardization Technical Committee, the Shared Mobility Working Group of the National Sharing Economy Technology Standardization Committee (WG1)", whose aims are to research and establish a standard system for intelligent shared mobility, organize revision of standards of intelligent shared mobility, and provide support to the integrated development of autonomous driving and shared mobility.

Autonomous driving technology companies, key parts manufacturers and related institutions scramble to land in Huadu

At the signing ceremony, the People’s Government of Huadu District signed agreements with Dongfeng Nissan New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd, Marelli Automotive Electronics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd, HoloMatic Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, AICC Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, and China Society of Automotive Engineers, a total of 5 leading companies and institutions in automotive industry and intelligent and connected vehicles, to promote the integrated development of intelligent and connected vehicles, smart transportation, and smart city, to push forward the building of a business ecosystem for smart shared mobility, and to urge the transformation of both the automotive industry and the smart city.

On the same day, a plaque unveiling ceremony was held for JD Greater Bay Area (Huadu) Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy. The event was honored by Li Bo, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and Director of the Standing Committee of Huadu District People's Congress, Zheng Zhongmin, member of the Standing Committee of District Party Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of Huadu, Mei Tao, Vice President of and Vice President of JD Exploration Research Institute, and Jia Xiaobo, Vice President of JD.