4th Quality & Brand Online Shopping Festival cum Good African Goods Online Shopping Festival Guangdong Session Launched in Huadu, with 30,000 e-Commerce Companies Stimulating Shopping Enthusiasm


On April 28, the 4thQuality & Brand Online Shopping Festival cum Good African Goods Online Shopping Festival Guangdong Session was launched in Huadu District. The opening ceremony was attended by Li Jing, Grade 2 Counsel of Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, Wu Weihua, deputy director of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Chen Weiwen, a leader of Huadu District, and other people.

The Guangdong Session has three major highlights: Firstly, high enthusiasm of participating enterprises. A total of 24 Guangdong e-commerce companies and over 30,000 merchants took part in the event. Secondly, numerous categories of goods. The good offered spread across all categories of commodities on major e-platforms; besides time-honored Chinese brands and famous and high-quality specialties, there are also trendy new brands of the country. Reference must be made to the Special Digital Zone for Agriculture, which is designed to introduce and promote products with geographical indication. It is worth mentioning that quality African goods will be shipped along the "Silk Road” to their debut in this event. The featured products from more than 20 African countries will allow consumers to have a taste of the unique African style. And thirdly, strong promotion. E-commerce platforms and merchants will carry out promotional activities in various forms such as consumer coupons, seckills, discounts, rebates, and gifts. The large-scale e-commerce platforms will distribute nearly 100 million yuan of "Quality & Brand Festival" red envelopes for the benefits of consumers. And some local governments will also give out consumer coupons. Interaction with e-commerce platforms, red envelopes from merchants, and overlapping of special offers will all be used to stimulate the growth of consumption.

It is reported that in 2021, the online retail sales of Guangdong Province was 3.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%, accounting for 25.4% of the national proportion, and showing good development momentum is good. as a national e-commerce demonstration city and a livestreaming commerce capital, Guangzhou will distribute 100 million yuan of platform consumption coupons for the event, and at the same time will encourage top live streaming hosts to have video conferences with African ambassadors to promote African goods, so that breakthroughs can be made in both sales volume and characteristic goods.

Li Jing pointed out that the "Quality & Brand Online Shopping Festival" was an effective measure to promote continuous recovery and upgrade of consumption, and to benefit the people and help the enterprises. Governments at all localities shall follow the unified deployment requirements to make every effort to carry out online promotional activities of various forms and rich contents, while they deliver in pandemic prevention and control. All major e-commerce platforms and participating merchants of the event must follow the idea of green development, consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations, and take enough precautionary measures to prevent and control the epidemic, ensuring that consumers can buy and use the products with an easy mind.