Huadu Auto Parts Company United Faith Auto-Engineering Successfully Listed on the SZSE Growth Enterprise Market to Help Guangzhou Build a World-renowned "Smart Car City"

Listing ceremony

On June 29, Guangzhou United Faith Auto-Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as UFA), an auto parts company based in Huadu District, was successfully listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; the event is of great importance in promoting the economic development, and in particular the high-quality development of the automobile industry, of the District . The ceremony was honored by Xu Xiubin, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Local Financial Regulatory Bureau, Xing Xiang, Party Secretary of Huadu District, Li Xiaodong, Mayor of Huadu District, Li Bo, Director of the Standing Committee of the District People’s Congress, Chen Jiafei, Chair of CPPCC Huadu committee, Zheng Zhongmin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Huadu Committee and Chief of the United Front Department, Chen Weiwen, Vice Chair of CPPCC Huadu committee and Director of Huadu Bureau of Science, Industry, Commerce and Information Technology, and other leaders. Mr. Li Xiaodong read the congratulatory letter from Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, and Mr. Zheng Zhongmin delivered a speech on behalf of the District Party Committee and District Government.

Settled in Huadu Auto City in 2005, UFA is a comprehensive integrated service provider of intelligent manufacturing solutions and equipment focusing on industrial robots and related intelligent technologies. It is among the first companies of China in the field of intelligent equipment manufacturing and is leading in the industry. The company's business scope covers a variety of areas, including automotive welding, automotive assembly, automotive powertrain, automotive new energy, 3C electronics, aerospace and other fields that are demanding in intelligent automated production; equipped with core process design and technical support capacities, rich experiences in project implementation, and outstanding ability of international resources, the company has kept expanding the scope of influence of its core competitiveness through successful domestic and international mergers and acquisitions.

Information shows that on June 29, the stock of UFA closed up 113.44% on the first day, at 58.76 yuan. The IPO is mainly to raise funds for investment in projects related to R&D and intelligent production lines, so that by expanding production capacity and improving R&D guarantees, it may be hoped to make further breakthroughs in technological innovation, model innovation, business innovation, and integration of old and new industries.

In recent years, Huadu District has been pursuing a “district based on smart manufacturing", and has make process in applying smart creation in building "one district, one city and one port” to make the real economy bigger and stronger. The listing of UFA sets a successful example of the implementation of innovation-driven strategy for high-tech enterprises in Huadu District, and marks a further step forward of the District's support for the development of private enterprises. Next, Huadu will follow up and serve well specialized, fined, peculiar and innovative companies, industry leaders, and private sector leaders, provide entrepreneurs, innovators, and startup founders with more considerate government services, better business climate, and more growth opportunities, activate the endogenous driving force for high-quality development, and drive industrial progress through enterprise development, so that the District may make greater contributions to Guangzhou's goal of building a national leading smart car platform and ecosystem, and a world-renowned "Smart Car City".