Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank's Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone Huadu Branch Upgraded to Infuse Financial Vitality into Rural Revitalization

As part of the effort to implement the guiding requirements on promoting healthy economic development and achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, a successful ceremony was held on July 8, 2022 for the unveiling of the upgraded Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank's Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone Huadu Branch and for the signing of bank-village/bank-enterprise cooperation contracts. Presented at the event were Xing Xiang, Party Secretary of Huadu District, Li Xiaodong, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Huadu District, and Party Secretary and Chair Cai Jian, President Yi Xuefei, and Vice President Lin Ripeng of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, as well as heads of Bureaux of Financial Affairs, Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Science, Industry, Commerce and Information Technology, Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in Huadu District.

Li Xiaodong and Yi Xuefei delivered speeches respectively. Witnessed by leaders of Huadu District and head officials of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, Huadu Branch had a plaque unveiling ceremony and signed strategic cooperation agreements with key villages and enterprises, with a total credit line of about 4 billion yuan, making contribution to supporting the development of green projects in the District.

As a core area of the Guangzhou Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone, Huadu District enjoys policy advantages and a good industrial foundation in green development. Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank’s Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone Huadu Branch ranks first among Huadu's banking institutions in terms of balance of deposit of all kinds. It is hoped that the Branch play well the role of "vanguard" in this promising field of green finance, identify the pivots of regional development, increase financial support to green industries, treat green finance from an overall and strategic prospective, and comprehensively improve the management of green finance to provide steady financial impetus for the rural revitalization and green industries of Huadu District, and to further support the comprehensive economic and social development of Huadu.

Green development is the task and mission of the times. After upgrading from a sub-branch to a branch, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Huadu Branch should actively innovate financial products and service mechanisms, pursue characteristic operations, focus on green industries, support rural development, and further improve the efficiency and level of financial services to the real economy, so as to provide more abundant financial services to enterprises and villages in the District and support the District's economic development in all areas.

In the future, Huadu Branch will focus on its own field, return to its origins, vigorously support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Huadu District, actively implement the concept of green development, attach great importance to the development of green finance, further build and optimize the business system of green finance and green industries, and expand green financing channels, further improve the efficiency and quality in serving the real economy, so that the Branch may greet the coming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party with practical achievements.