"New Airway-Railway Opportunities and Northern Growth Pole" Huadu Business Promotion Conference 2022 Makes a Big Move

From "North Gate" to "Stateroom"

Huadu’s Airway-Railway Twin Engines Enable New Growth Pole’s Taking off


At the Huadu 2022 "New Airway-Railway Opportunities and Northern Growth Pole” Business Promotion Conference held on July 28, the District made a big move by taking a series of important actions: the grand release of the “Airway-Railway Golden Corridor and Hub’s State Room ”, a plan of development in the GHM Greater Bay Area, and the “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ”, a talent policy; handing over house keys to 24 outstanding talents of the first batch of key enterprises (projects), and awarding certificates to 30 high-level talents recognized by Huadu District; broadcasting on-site signing ceremonies of 74 key projects and introducing through video conferences the progress of 84 settled projects, with a combined investment of 200 billion yuan,...The move is aimed to take advantage of the District’s geographical location in the Greater Bay Area and seize the opportunities of airway and railway, so as to release the great potential of the District as the northern growth pole of Guangzhou!

Dual hub + industrial corridor

The international air-rail hub with new energy level will facilitate Huadu’s dream of taking off

According to the “Airway-Railway Golden Corridor and Hub’s State Room ”, a plan of development in the GHM Greater Bay Area that was released at the Business Promotion Conference, Huadu will pull out all the stops to improve the international air-railway hub in order to build a comprehensive golden corridor of industrial featuring "Double Hub + Kongtie Avenue", which will help strengthen connections with the Pan-Pearl River, Xijiang River Economic Belt, and ASEAN, drive and lead the development of the airport economy zone, aid the District’s efforts to become the aviation center of Guangzhou, a national central city, and accelerate the progress to merge as the northern growth pole of the city.

It's been reported that the airway-railway dual hub has a surrounding area of 81 square kilometers; with 223 hectares of land made available for development in the near future, and 64.1 hectares reserved, it is possible that major projects can be rapidly implemented here. By connecting the Greenland Airport Center, 2025PARK, South China Beauty City, Guoguang Industrial Park and other industrial parks, the Kongtie Avenue has been emerging as an industrial development corridor with the benefits of industrial concentration, and are attracting projects from Power China, China Electronic Technology Group Corporation, ZF Group of Fortune Global 500, Guangzhou North Railway Station CTG Duty Free Complex, Alibaba New Retail Supply Chain, HoloMatic Technology, Didi Autonomous Driving, Marelli, and Xuehang Group, among others. With accelerated clustering of quality manufacturers, the Golden Industrial Corridor will try to build five industrial parks, laying a solid foundation for Huadu's development.

The West Wing of the North Railway Station is designed to be home to bonded zone, premium hotels, innovative development services and other business forms; the Digital Smart Manufacturing Park focuses on optoelectronic devices, biotechnology and intelligent terminal industries; the Aviation Service Core is committed to the development of airport supporting facilities, e-commerce, and exhibition of excellent products and other industries; the Green Technological Innovation Island is a clustering place of enterprises in public service, software research and development, and technological incubation industries; and the "U Port” centers on promotion of exhibition services, urban leisure, and airport business.

Characteristic Industrial Parks in GHM Greater Bay Area Kongtie Avenue technology and innovation corridor

As one of the main engines of the regional development of the Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou is accelerating the construction of the third-phase expansion of Baiyun Airport and a series of rail transit projects, and the "Guangzhou Metropolitan Circle on Rails" is just around the corner. As home to the only large airway-railway dual hub in the GHM Greater Bay Area, Huadu is the north gateway of Guangzhou, the first stop for people visiting Guangzhou from around the world, and is a "window to the world" and "hub state room" in the Greater Bay Area. Now the District is endeavoring to achieve "airway railway integration", vigorously improving the capacity of the international airway-railway hub, accelerating the construction of T4 Air Terminal, and the special transit rail between Guangzhou North Station and Baiyun International Airport, so that "to reach the North Station is to reach the airport". The goal is to gather flows of people, logistics, and capital, and try to convert "passing guests" into "staying guests", and hence "people flow" into "business flow".

Guangzhou North Railway Station Integrated Transportation Hub

Access to transport, investment and industries. The main line of the first phase of Huadu Kongtie Avenue has been completed recently. This two-way eight-lane road is 5.76 kilometers in length, with a standard road width of 50 meters and a designed speed of 60km/h; in particular, the two-way six-lane main line has no traffic lights at all for rapid traffic. A fast passage connecting Guangzhou North Railway Station and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Kongtie Avenue simply compresses the travel time between these two hubs to 15 minutes, and connects such major roads as Guanghua Road, Shuguang Road, Fenghuang Road, Jinghu Avenue, Yingbin Avenue, The 106 National Highway, and the planned Xinhua Avenue to form a "fishbone" road network for the efficient interconnection of the roads in the southern part of Huadu. Running through key development areas such as North Railway Station Business District, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, and Shenshan Rail Transit Assembly Industrial Park, Kongtie Avenue forms an important part of the outer ring transportation system of Huadu District, and will accelerate the integration of airway and railway hubs and the industrial development. It will contribute to the building of transportation hub and economic hub in northern Guangzhou.

According to the recently released "Overall Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive, World-oriented Cooperation among Guangdong Hong Kong, and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou" , Guangzhou Airport Area, which is adjacent to Huadu District, has been selected in the first interactive development zones for Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone. This signifies new opportunity, new platform, and new stage of the construction and development of the GHM Greater Bay Area. With the interactive development of Nansha Seaport and Baiyun Airport, the initial operation of the "Huadu Port-Nansha Seaport" foreign trade branch line, and the official launch of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao high-speed railway that connecting Guangzhou North Railway Station, Nansha and Zhuhai (Macau), Guangzhou is going to have a world-class transportation system with a seaport in the south and an airport in the north.

The official opening to traffic of the first phase of the Kongtie Avenue will be an important step taken towards intermodal transportation between the airport with the largest throughput in the country and the high-speed rail station with the largest planned scale in the Greater Bay Area. It will enable Huadu to better undertake its responsibilities as an important pivot in the implementation of the "dual circulation" development pattern and become a veritable gateway to the Bay Area and an open hub!

Quick contract signing, quick settlement, quick construction, and quick operation

200 billion investments injects new impetus to Huadu’s economic development

This event bears witness to a total of 158 projects in Huadu District, which either have contracts signed for them, break ground, or have construction completed. With a total expected investment over 200 billion yuan, these projects will provide new momentum and inject new vitality for Huadu to implement new development concepts, create new development pattern, and promote high-quality development.

Of the 74 key projects for which contracts were signed this time most are in brick-and-mortar industries, ranging from advanced intelligent manufacturing, semiconductors, digital economy, new display, greater healthcare and beauty, to modern logistics and infrastructure and other fields; many of them are 10-billion projects such as the digital supply chain industrial park in the Greater Bay Area, the Greater Bay Area "food basket" project of Meituan, the smart innovation headquarters of China Railway Fourth Bureau. The total investment of the signed projects is 146.35 billion yuan, with an estimated output value of 235.16 billion yuan.

84 projects announced their initiation or completion of construction at the event, which involves an estimated total investment of 65.5 billion yuan and 8.64 billion yuan have been planned for this year. 32 projects announced completion of construction, including the JD.com Asia No. 1 Guangzhou Huadu Project Phase I, the 2×400MW gas-steam cogeneration project of Guangdong Yudean Huadu Natural Gas Thermal Power Co., Ltd. , the Comprehensive Training Center of China Southern Airlines, the Cosmetics Headquarters Cluster Area (Huadu Lake Section), the Baiyun Airport Warehousing Project of COSCO Shipping Air Freight Co., Ltd.; and 52 projects announced initiation of construction, including the Intelligent Digital Factory Project of Dongfeng Nissan, the “Greater Bay Area·CTS World” at Jiulong Lake, the Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Innovation Center of Power China, and the Land Plot in Huadu CBD for Grouped Comprehensive Development.

It is worth mentioning that in the first half of this year, Huadu District Business Promotion Office has established contacts for 260 new projects above the 100 million yuan investment line, a year-on-year increase of 126%; 59 new projects have been signed , a year-on-year increase of 103.4%; and 61 new projects have been registered, a year-on-year increase of 79.4%. At present, Huadu's 10 business promotion tasks are all progressing faster than the scheduled time line of the first half of the year, and all indicators are growing year-on-year.

Strong policy to attract talents

“Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu” help build a talent hub

At the event, house keys were handed over to 24 outstanding talents of the first batch of key enterprises (projects), certificates were awarded to 30 high-level talents recognized by Huadu District. The “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ”, a talent policy, was also released as part of the effort to vigorously implement the "four major projects" of building a nest for talent attraction, and caring, loving, and warming talents with heart; the aim is to build a "1+1+N" comprehensive talent security system, and by employing a "punch combination " of introducing, cultivating, rewarding and serving high-level talents to promote from a strategic point of view the organic connection of the talent chain, the innovation chain and the industrial chain, so as to accelerate the creation of a talent hub in the northern part of the Greater Bay Area.

The first "1" in the "1+1+N" comprehensive talent security system refers to the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Talent Gathering Action"; and the second "1" refers to the "Measures of Huadu District on High-level Talent Recognition" , and the "N" refers to a series of preferential policies that help talents to move to Guangzhou and Huadu and realize their dreams in the Bay Area, including "Implementation Plan of Huadu District on Housing for Talents", "Implementation Plan of Huadu on Housing Security for Imported Excellent Talent", and "Interim Implementation Measures of Huadu District on Talent Green Card".

The “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ” offer ten favorable measures for talents, covering such aspects as housing security for high-level talents, support for innovation and entrepreneurship by talents, selection of Huadu Outstanding Talent Award, and school enrollment of their children. Preferential measures are provided for high-level talents, such as rent-free housing and free donation of housing up to 200 square meters, up to 50% discount on the purchase of talent housing, and up to 3 million yuan settlement allowances; up to 5 million yuan will be given to academician workstations newly established in the District; cultivation of scientific research talents, young talents, and skilled craftsmen will be strengthened to create a complete ecosystem for talent development; awards will be set up, such as "talent contribution awards", innovation and entrepreneurship leading team awards, establish a sound and complete talent reward system, by which winners may receive a talent contribution award of up to 1 million yuan per year, and identified innovation and entrepreneurship leading teams can apply for a subsidy of 500,000 yuan.

Better service and better environment

Let entrepreneurs start their own businesses comfortably with "care-free" services

Huadu has been focused on optimizing the business environment, building an environment for innovation and entrepreneurship that supports and care for business, and actively improving the enterprise service mechanism. By adhering to the concepts of "support entrepreneurs, cherish investors, and serve taxpayers", the District took the lead in Guangdong province to promulgate the "Implementation Opinions on Establishing an Inclusive and Prudential Supervision Mechanism to Support the Healthy Development of Market Entities", and pioneered in Guangzhou to launch the "extremely fast delivery" model of seals; it was the first to roll out the "license release upon land purchase” mechanism; it has comprehensively implemented the practice of "acceptance with minor defects" and "notice commitments", and vigorously promoted such reforms as "commitment approval", "credit approval" and "zero-proof items"; and as a result the District lead in Guangzhou in terms of the number of simple and low-risk social investment projects, the comprehensive credit indexes, and the tax service satisfaction.

Only by optimizing the business ecology accurately and efficiently, by effectively aligning government services to the actual needs of enterprise in establishment, land use, financing, capital increase and production expansion, and by supporting enterprises in various related matters with heart, can the endogenous development momentum of enterprises be effectively stimulated, and the entrepreneurs be assured to move forward without looking over their shoulders.

Huadu took the lead in Guangzhou to provide whole-process agency services for key industrial projects, and became the first one to offer "care free" service. The District established a special agency, District key project construction service center, to provide full-time free agency services for enterprises. And in response to the needs of enterprises, the District drew Guangzhou's first project application flow chart after completely sorting out more than 80 approval items of more than 30 departments. Including detailed information about every approval step, its responsible department, and the work and materials to be done or prepared by the applicants, among others, the chart is an easy to understand road map for the enterprises to complete their tasks smoothly. This year, the "Work Plan of Huadu District to Accelerate the Initiation/Completion of Construction of Contracted Investment Projects" was released, and the "Huadu Special Approval Team for Investment Promotion" was set up to coordinate and promote the flat management of business promotion project approvals, and to solve existing problems on a case-by-case basis, resulting successful initiation of Rongtong Healthcare and other projects.

Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company is one of the few domestic auto companies that have a full value chain. Against the backdrop of raging covid-19 pandemic in the word, Huadu District has sent "enterprise caregivers" to provide continuous assistance to Dongfeng Nissan. In early April this year, Dongfeng Nissan suffered from the great impact on industrial chain and supply chain caused by its upstream suppliers being prevented from delivering goods due to the pandemic, and Huadu’s quick coordination help secure 10 "Guangdong Province Passes for Key Material Transportation Vehicle" for Dongfeng Nissan, making the company the first enterprise in the province to obtain such passes. According to the relevant responsible person of the company, "It took only two days from application to obtaining the certificate. The speed of Huadu warms our hearts and we are filled with full confidence in future development." As of today, Huadu has helped Dongfeng Nissan to apply for and obtain more than 100 such passes, which ensures the safety of the industrial chain and supply chain and the stability of production capacity. Dongfeng Nissan recorded outstanding performance results of selling 91,867 cars in June and 448,806 cars in the first half of the year.

As a transport hub in the north part of Guangzhou and a bridge that connects the Greater Bay Area to China’s heartland, Huadu is a hot place for investments and start ups, enjoying outstanding location, industry, platform, space and environmental advantages. Next, Huadu will continue its solid work in exploring and optimizing the reform of the business environment. Taking this business promotion conference as a stepping stone, the District will further open its door for cooperation and opening up, accelerate the formation of the new business promotion landscape of “strategically planned business promotion” and “one-stop service”, strengthen attraction of industrial chain, platform, and professional businesses, and attract business with business, so that more high-quality, high-potential and high-growth enterprises may settle in Huadu to participate in the building of the District, feel its speed, and witness its development.