Be Friendly to business, Supportive to Enterprises, and Open the Door for Investors


Construction of Huadu Thermal Power Station Accelerated

"Huadu‘s attention to optimizing business environment is unprecedented. They discuss, record and coordinate every issue reported by enterprises; and we really enjoy the thoughtful services of the chief project service providers", the person in charge of the CTS-Aranya Jiulong Lake project cannot help praising the business environment in Huadu.

Business environment optimization is the "No. 1 Project" of Guangzhou's campaign of comprehensive deepening of reforms. In recent years, Huadu District has been adherent to "both internal and external improvement", rolling out policies such as "26 Pro-Business and Enterprise Supporting Rules" and “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ” , promoting the construction of projects, pushing the implementation of innovative policies; and improving service quality to continuously optimize business environment. The District is endeavoring to create a law-based, modern "super good" business environment, and serve the development of enterprises with heart.

District leaders, chief project service providers, and heads of relevant departments in Huadu would visit their corresponding key projects from time to time to understand the needs of enterprises and help coordinate and solve existing problems. The relevant information would be summarized in communications and reports on a monthly basis to provide reference for the next moves. The system of chief project service providers is an innovation first promoted by Huadu in the city.

CTS·Aranya Jiulong Lake Project

The CTS·Aranya Jiulong Lake project is a key project of the province, the city and the District. Tapping the resources of Jiulong Lake Resort, a national 4A tourist attraction, the project is designed to build a new cultural and living space of 618,000 square meters and to create six major product series. Once completed project is expected to attract 2 million tourists annually, pay 3 billion yuan in taxes, and create more than 10,000 new jobs. Since the commencement of the Jiulong Lake project, its chief project service provider has been actively playing its role as a "server" to provide "point-to-point" precise services for the project construction:

Monthly “on-site” service -- chief project service provider listened "face-to-face” to the company's demands, coordinated and contacted relevant agencies for guidance on the spot, and studied the method by which construction plans may pass the classified approval process, facilitated project development and construction, established frequent contacts and coordinated with relevant agencies of the District to resolved efficiently such problems of sewage pipe network connection and school inclusion. Working mechanism -- a working mechanism has been established to assure the project construction, in which the chief project service provider takes the lead, relevant leaders provides support, and corresponding departments are responsible for implementation . Timely tracking -- a list of project coordination items has been prepared for dynamic management, in which every issue has its own registration and cancellation records, enabling timely tracing of problem solving progress, and ensuring solid help to enterprises in solving difficulties and removing blockages.

In the first half of the year, 111 chief project service providers paid 1,802 visits to 260 project sites, the District leaders of respective work fields convened 8 special coordination meetings, the special development and reform team held 13 coordination meetings, and chief project service providers submitted through the service management APP a total of 73 specific problems associating with 50 projects, which all have been addressed by special meetings.

Yuhu Cold Chain (Guangzhou) Trading Center Project

The Yuhu Cold Chain (Guangzhou) Trading Center project also benefits from system of chief project service providers. After the two parties to the project signed a cooperation agreement on February 6, 2021, the District party committee and district government immediately organized and established a special project team and appointed a chief project service provider to promote early stage preparations, including land acquisition, and land use bidding, auction and listing. In just over a month, the project successfully secured use right to the land required and on April 19, obtained the construction land planning license and the real estate ownership certificate, which is an excellent example of the efficient business promotion services of the local government.

Huadu District is making all-round efforts in the pursuit of reforms for business environment optimization, striving to create a social climate that is friendly to business and support company development, and improving the quality of business promotion services to attract market players to Huadu. The past three years has witnessed steady growth in number of market entities in Huadu District. At the end of 2021, there were 205,200 registered market entities in Huadu District, up by 8.14% over 2020 and 22.39% over 2019; and the number of newly registered markets in the year reached 36,900, up by 5.87% over 2020 and 32.54% over 2019. As of March 2022, the actual number of registered market entities in Huadu District was 208,400, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%. 8,100 market entities were newly from January to March, recording a year-on-year increase of 18.83%, and sending the District to the third place in the city in terms of new registered market entities.

These numbers and achievements speak eloquently the dynamism of Huadu's economy and the improved attractiveness of its business climate. Huadu is becoming a hot spot for investment and business development. The District is committed to create a business climate with the least approval requirements, the best process, the smoothest system, the most dynamic mechanism, the highest efficiency and the best service.

It is the first in Guangzhou city that pursues reform of land use approval service.

It pioneered the mode of "license release upon land purchase”, in which a virtual approval process is carried out, and the official approval document will be timely issued after the land acquisition. Taking the residential project at the north of Yingbin Avenue and east of Hongmian Avenue for example, by announcing in advance land planning and design conditions, and by making contact and offering guidance for the optimization of the design plan, it only took 29 days from the land acquisition to the final approval of the design plan. The time for administrative approval of the design plan was cut from the previous 10 working days to 4 working days, which shortens the project development and construction time.

It is the first to implement the "Four-certificate Joint Process" mechanism

The "Four-certificate Joint Process" mechanism, which was first implemented in Huadu and has been replicated and promoted throughout Guangzhou city as a best practice, is the result of the reform in which four departments, planning, civil air defense, fire safety and construction permit, are put together to work in the same process. Now the processing time has been cut from 47 working days to 5 working days, greatly improving the speed of project construction approval. By compressing the procedures of approval, Huadu District has managed to greatly reduce application time, greatly shorten the time for project development and construction, and eventually reduce the construction cost of enterprises.

A sound system of rule of law is the most fundamental, stable and long-term guarantee for business environment; and Huadu District is also a front runner of the city in terms of legal guarantee services. The District People's Court and the District General Chamber of Commerce joined force and established Guangzhou’s first joint commercial mediation center. And a mediation station under the name of "Guangzhou New Local Elite" has been established based on the reputation of Mr. Huang Haishu, who has been named as one of Guangzhou new local elites, to offer business mediation services provided by businessmen. Since its establishment, the Joint Commercial Mediation Center has mediated 8 batches of cases, with a success rate of 54.5%. It is providing market entities with timely resolution of conflicts and disputes, and legal protection for the healthy development of the private economy.

It is the first in Guangzhou to implement the "Inspection Tour Suggestion Service" mechanism

By using big data to perform "forward-looking" analysis of intellectual property cases, optimizing algorithms based on feedback, the mechanism can accurately locate companies that have been repeatedly infringed and areas where infringement is highly concentrated, and subsequently issue judicial advice to the District Administration for Market Regulation and other functional departments in a timely manner, help the Administration for Market Regulation carry out "targeted" inspections and rectifications, and guide the district federation of industry and commerce to provide "personal" legal services to relevant enterprises and individuals, so as to improve the efficiency of the intellectual property protection system, and achieve advanced prevention of and dealings with potential intellectual property cases.

Since the establishment of the mechanism, thanks to the joint cooperation of the District People’s Court and the District Administration for Market Regulation, the number of intellectual property infringement cases filed by enterprises in the District has dropped by 51.06% by the end of May 2022. By optimizing and improving the business climate to promote a new wave of development, Huadu has been committed to cultivating and developing "hard" power in "soft" business environment, which not only provide a favorite development environment for existing enterprises in Huadu, but also constitutes a source of power for high-quality leap-forward development of District.