Guangzhou's Successful "Walking into Huadu Partner Day” Collected 6 Projects with a Total Investment of 10.3 Billion


  On August 11, the United Front Department of CPC Guangzhou Committee, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and Huadu District Party Committee and District Government jointly held an activity name "Walking into Huadu Partner Day” as part of the "Understand, Love, and Serve Guangzhou" program. The aim of the activity was to organize a group of private entrepreneurs to enter Huadu and invest in Huadu, to promote upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to further learn from each other, exchange experiences, and draw on each other's strengths, to better give play to the leading role of flagship enterprises, to further promote the industrial chain chief system, to cultivate and support more "specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative (SRDI)" small and medium-sized enterprises, and eventually jointly create better investment climate, improved innovation ability, and strengthened development confidence.

  A total of 45 companies have participated in the activity, including 20 leading companies and SRDI companies. After visit to Huadu Autocity, Guangzhou Sunac Cultural Tourism City, Poly City Exhibition Hall and other key projects of Huadu District, the entrepreneurs had further understanding of the District in both its appearance and business environment, and began to move to industrial chain integration and docking.

  6 projects were signed with a total investment of 10.3 billion

  The activity was a successful one, signing 6 investment projects on the spot, with a total investment of 10.3 billion yuan. These projects are: the Guangying·Zhihui Huashan Industrial Base Project to be invested and constructed by Galuminium Group Co., Ltd; according to project planning, it will have "one center (transaction and settlement center), two platforms (smart manufacturing platform, industrial service platform), and five systems (production, R&D, exhibition, connection, and service system)", and will mainly target at new material R&D and design, production and manufacturing, end applications and relevant supporting production service industries. The end is to build a new material industrial park with smart manufacturing at the core, supplemented with diversified functions such as headquarters office, design research and development, exhibition and transaction, industrial services and living communities. The 5G Cable Manufacturing Base Project to be invested and constructed by Guangzhou Pearl River Cable Co., Ltd., which is mainly to build a 5G cable manufacturing base that integrates R&D and production of 5G electronics cables, e-commerce, intelligent logistics, and living facilities. The Intelligent Industrial Park to be invested and constructed by Guangzhou Huadu Koda Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd., which is mainly to build a technology company incubation, youth entrepreneurship and employment base and high-tech industries base to attract companies in industries of intelligent electronics, new Internet of Things livestreaming commerce, biomedical technology and beauty. The Smart Commercial Kitchen Equipment Headquarters Base to be invested and constructed Guangzhou Rebenet Catering Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a mid-to-high-end commercial catering kitchen equipment manufacturing enterprise that integrates R&D, production and sales. This project is to build a production base. The Guoguang Future City Metaverse Industrial Base Project to be invested and constructed by Genimous Technology Co., Ltd. Relying on the strength of Guoguang Company, the project aims to apply Metaverse technology to create a whole ecological chain covering from innovation, R&D, manufacturing, to exhibition and experience. The headquarters base to be invested and constructed by Guangdong Xuehang Group Co., Ltd., which will include sub-projects such as comprehensive logistics park, aviation industrial park, smart industrial park, and e-commerce trade platform.

  Perfect for investment, Huadu is the place closest to the world

  Representatives of enterprises who participated in the activity and signed contracts all delivered warm speeches, telling their impressions of Huadu, and praising the activity for building a bridge that facilitate enterprises investing in Huadu.

  Xue Shulin, vice president of Xuehang Group, said that their decision to located the headquarters base in Huadu was mainly because the District is the place closest to the world, and perfect for investment; its location advantage of the air-rail dual hub, high-quality medical, education and other supporting resources, and high-quality service offered a business environment that assure investors, making it the best choice for the group; and with the strong support of the Huadu District government, the Group was confident to build a complete industrial chain of comprehensive civil aviation services.

  Zhang Yan, vice president of Galuminium Group Co., Ltd said that Huadu was now accelerating the pace in creating the industrial development pattern of "one district, one city and one port” and it has been in full swing for the construction and development of the air-rail integrated development demonstration area in the center, the smart new energy automobile city in the west, and the airport digital port in the east; this offered Guangzhou Aluminum Group, which stretches along the entire aluminum industry chain, a good opportunity for its new material strategic emerging industry project; the company would in the future increase investment in emerging fields such as automotive lightweight aluminum and aviation aluminum, so as to ride the high-speed train of development that is Huadu; the company was under the impression through initial contact with Huadu District that the District was indeed a blessed land suitable for the rapid development of enterprises, and the company would invite peer enterprises to join Huadu’s circle of friends and build, share and win together a new industrial ecology!

  Lei Xingyu, a chief officer of Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company was also impressed: during the pandemic incident in Shanghai this year, Huadu District quickly coordination and support made Dongfeng Nissan the first company in Guangdong to obtain the "Guangdong Province Key Material Transportation Vehicle Pass"; it took only two days from application to obtaining the pass, and the speed of Huadu warmed our hearts and we were filled with full confidence in future development.

  Many entrepreneurs said on the same day that Huadu has always been a perfect place for investment and entrepreneurship, due to its clear industrial positioning, solid industrial foundation, and outstanding advantages in location, industry, platform, space and environment; and that they had a deeper understanding of Huadu at this activity, and were looking forward to riding the tide of innovation and entrepreneurship in Huadu as soon as possible through precise docking in the follow-up.

  Information shows that in this year, Huadu District made great achievements in business promotion, having established contacts for 260 new projects above the 100 million yuan investment line, a year-on-year increase of 126%; signed 74 new projects, a year-on-year increase of 103.4%; and registered 61 new projects, a year-on-year increase of 79.4%.

  Favorable policies for high-quality development of private enterprises

  It has been learned that at the recent business promotion conference the “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ”, a talent policy, was released as part of the effort to vigorously implement the "four major projects" of building a nest for talent attraction, and caring, loving, and warming talents with heart; the aim is to build a "1+1+N" comprehensive talent security system, and by employing a "punch combination " of introducing, cultivating, rewarding and serving high-level talents. The “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ” offer ten favorable measures for talents, covering such aspects as housing security for high-level talents, support for innovation and entrepreneurship by talents, selection of Huadu Outstanding Talent Award, and school enrollment of their children. Vigorous effort has been made to implement the action of attracting talents with innovation, entrepreneurship and creation, to establish and improve the talent work coordination mechanism and industrial talent evaluation system, to import high-tech talents, industry leaders, and high-skilled talents that are in short supply in the industry for private enterprises, to give full play to the role of model workers, and to create the "Huadu Talent Manager" service APP, so as to providing support of high-quality talents for high-quality development of Huadu.

  By implementing systems such as tax rebates for house purchases and housing subsidies for outstanding talents, Huadu District has managed to help enterprise stabilize their talent teams and retain talents in short supply, laying a solid foundation for enterprise reform and transformation. Since 2019, Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company alone has imported a total of 1,448 high-tech talents, greatly enhancing the company's talent reserve for the "new five fronts", electrification, intelligence, networking, shared mobility and capitalization.

  In order to further optimize the services to enterprises investing in Huadu, the District has continued to promote the implementation of the "Kunpeng Plan" in recent years, aiming to provide all-round services for the development of high-quality enterprises, from talent training, resource docking, to interaction and exchange, and mutual assistance. In 2019, 110 "Kunpeng Enterprises" signed up for the first phase of the "Kunpeng Plan", the operation of which achieved good results and solved the problems of additional business land for many enterprises. Huadu District is implementing the second phase of the "Kunpeng Plan” this year, with the focus of cultivation being shifted from an "inclusive" to a "privileged” plan, concentrating on helping a group of "specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative (SRDI)" enterprises, creating a group of innovative R&D platforms, attracting a batch of professional talents, promoting the listing of a number of high-quality enterprises, and carrying out a one-year program of innovation cultivation and targeted assistance for 103 enterprises, and finally contributing "Huadu Power" to the further optimization of the industrial structure in the region.

  Now, with a total of 252 SRDI enterprises at or above the municipal level, including 9 national "little giant” SRDI enterprises, 30 provincial-level small and medium-sized ones, and 213 municipal-level ones, Huadu District has witnessed the emerging of a new pattern consisting of the national, provincial and municipal small and medium-sized SRDI enterprises.