Guangzhou held "Walking into Huadu Partner Day” as Part of the "Understand, Love, and Serve Guangzhou" Program to Create High-quality and Efficient Business Environment


  On August 11, the United Front Department of CPC Guangzhou Committee, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and Huadu District Party Committee and District Government jointly held an activity name "Walking into Huadu Partner Day” as part of the "Understand, Love, and Serve Guangzhou" program. Wang Shitong, member of the Standing Committee and Head of Guangzhou United Front Department of CPC Guangzhou Committee attended the event and delivered a speech; also presented at the event were Wei Guohua, Deputy Head of the United Front Department of CPC Guangzhou Committee and Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, Xing Xiang, Secretary of the CPC Huadu District Committee, Li Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of CPC Huadu District Committee and District Mayor, and leaders from Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce and Huadu District, the chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as representatives of participating enterprise of the cultivation project of "specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative (SRDI)” enterprises .

  Representatives of 45 companies visited the Autocity and other key projects of Huadu, and engaged in industrial chain integration and docking. Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce and Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank jointly held a release ceremony for the serial reports on "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Can Move Mountains: Specialized, Refined, Differentiated, and Innovative Enterprises Cultivation Plan", and the two parties signed a strategic cooperation contract to support the high-quality development of private enterprises; and 6 private enterprises signed projects with Huadu, with a total investment of 10.3 billion yuan.

  Wang Shitong pointed out that it was necessary to optimize the business environment, and continuously deepen industrial chain services to ensure a secure, comfortable, and care free environment in Guangzhou for private enterprises to forge on without looking over their shoulders; that it was necessary to give full play to the advantages of the United Front work to consolidate the strong synergy for the promotion of high-quality development of the industrial chain, in order to make private economy an important engine for the city's economic development; and that it was necessary to seize major opportunities to accelerate deeper integration of the industrial chain and innovation chain, and to continue to enhance the momentum of high-quality economic development.

  Xing Xiang remarked that Huadu District being home to Baiyun International Airport and Guangzhou North Railway Station, two air and rail hubs, enjoyed a good location advantage, and a wide range of market radiation, making it an ideal place for value investment with high price-performance ratio; and that as a constant believer of the concept of "help entrepreneurs, befriend investors, and serve taxpayers", Huadu strove to create a high-quality, efficient and convenient business environment, and was looking forward to joining force with private enterprises to achieve world-oriented mutual development.

  According to Li Xiaodong, Huadu would firmly adhere to the important strategic positioning of "building Guangzhou's northern growth pole", accelerate the construction of a world-class transportation system with a seaport in the south and an airport in the north, build a new industrial development pattern of "one district, one city and one port", and strive to create a "Bay Area Gateway and Open Hub"; and Huadu sincerely invited private entrepreneurs to invest and settle in Huadu. 

  The activity was a successful one, signing 6 investment projects on the spot, with a total investment of 10.3 billion yuan.