Members of Shiling Leather Profession Chamber of Commerce Brainstormed for Development Strategy in the 100-billion New Fashion Industry


  Shiling Leather Profession Chamber of Commerce held on August 18th a general meeting, calling on all members to work together into the future and make the glorious brand of "China's Leather Goods Capital” shines even brighter.

  After more than 40 years of development, Shiling has become a leather goods production base and leather raw materials distribution center in the country that has the highest concentration of leather goods and luggage industry, the most complete industrial chain and the strongest industrial supporting ability. "Shiling Leather", the regional brand valuing at 20 billion yuan, has been successfully registered in 19 countries around the world.

  Cai Qiliang, Deputy Mayor of Huadu District, pointed out that the District government issued in this June the "Opinions on Supporting Shiling to Accelerate High Quality Development and Create a New Highland of Smart Manufacturing in the National Leather and Leather Goods Industry", which clearly stated that by 2030 Shiling would be built into a smart manufacturing highland of "innovative, fashionable, digital, green" leather goods, and not less than 50 million yuan financial resources would be appropriated every year for the transformation and upgrading of the leather and leather goods industry. It was expected that the Chamber of Commerce would play the role as a bridge and a staff assistant that would help connect the Party and the government to the enterprises, that it would lead the industry to rely on scientific and technological progress to promote the high-end and refined development of products, and to jointly promote the high-quality development of Shiling's leather industry.

  The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce called on its members to seize the opportunity, establish national brand confidence, shift to digital intelligent manufacturing, to branding and research, to international operation, and to omni-channel digital marketing, so as to jointly create a new intelligent manufacturing highland in the nation’s leather and leather products industry.

  The same day also witnessed signing of a strategic partnership agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Huadu Branch of Agricultural Bank of China that would help finance the development of the leather industry.