Huadu's business environment Shows More International Competitiveness


  Since the 18thCPC National Congress, in fully implementing the work arrangements of the Party Committee and the government of Guangzhou city on the business environment, Huadu District has formulated a number of policies, such as "26 Pro-Business and Enterprise Supporting Rules" and “Ten Rules for Intellectual Huadu ”, increased efforts to push forward reforms to create law-based and modern business environment in Huadu District; and as a result, the legal environment, government service environment and social environment of the whole District have been significantly improved.

  Exert to the ultimate possibility

  To push business environment reform into the 5.0 era

  In October 2021, the state launched pilot projects of business environment innovation in six cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou and Shenzhen. As one of the pilot cities, Guangzhou announced to exert to the ultimate possibility to implement the requirements for the national business environment innovation pilot, and focusing on "stimulating vitality" as the main theme, the city printed and issued the Implementation Plan of Guangzhou of Building A National Business Environment Innovation Pilot City" and began to go into full swing with pushing business environment reform into the 5.0 era.

  When it comes to judging the business environment of a place, the feeling of enterprises is the most important criterion, and the feeling of market entities and the masses on the convenience of doing things is the most apparent standard. The District Party Committee and the District Government have attached great importance to the work of comprehensively optimizing the business environment, and in as early as April 2020, the District Leading Team for Comprehensive Optimization of Business Environment was established, with the District's party chief and mayor acting as dual leaders, and two deputy mayors as standing deputy team leader and executive deputy team leader respectively. The Leading Team has its office set in the District Bureau of Development and Reform. Since its establishment the District Business Office has been working hard to implement in the District the measures of Guangzhou for business environment reform, and have formed a series of cases of innovation.

  Pro-business and enterprise supporting policies

  Help steady improvement in overall business environment attractiveness

  The key to optimize the business environment is to bear convenience and efficiency in mind and work with enterprises and the public to find ways to solve practical problems. Only by identifying the pain spots of enterprises in development, removing the bottlenecks of enterprise in operation, and dispelling the worries of enterprise in investment can the confidence of enterprises in development be enhanced.

  Focusing on how enterprises feel, Huadu District is making all-round efforts in the pursuit of reforms for business environment optimization; it took the lead in the city to establish the mechanism of setting chief project service providers and enterprise care providers for key projects and enterprises, and it innovated the way for Party members and officials of District departments and towns (streets) to track and coordinate the solution of projects and enterprise problems, striving to create a social climate that is friendly to business and support company development, and improving the quality of business promotion services to attract market players to Huadu.

  Guoguang Electric Company at Xinya Street, Huadu District, was founded in 1951; and 61 years later, the company has developed from a small workshop to an influential listed company in the electroacoustic industry in China and even the world. The company's senior management frankly acknowledged that the vigorous development all the way was inseparable from the strong support of the Huadu Party Committee and the District Government. In particular since the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic in 2019, the active help, and support of the District Party Committee, the District Government and various functional departments, and the warm service provided by the chief project service providers and enterprise care providers have help secure the safety of the company's supply chain and industry chain to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise. "Huadu's increasingly higher quality business environment makes us full of confidence in the future development of our enterprise!" the person in charge of Guoguang Electric said.

  As the business environment is getter better, the past three years has witnessed steady growth in number of market entities in Huadu District. At the end of 2021, there were 205,200 registered market entities in Huadu District, up by 22.39% over 2019; and the number of newly registered market entities in the year reached 35,000, up by 34.86% over 2019.

  Comprehensive policy package

  Improves legal protection and services

  In order to further improve the working mechanism for the resolution of diversified disputes, Huadu District People's Court and the District General Chamber of Commerce established Guangzhou’s first joint commercial mediation center to carry out commercial dispute mediation. Since its establishment, the Joint Commercial Mediation Center has enlisted 229 village (community) legal counsel members from 36 law firms in the District, and has provided market entities with timely identification and resolution of conflicts and disputes, so as to contribute to legal protection for the healthy development of the private economy.

  At the same time, Huadu District take "a step forward" in the protection measures; focusing on the pre-event stage of intellectual property disputes, it rolled out the innovative "recommended inspection service" mechanism in Guangzhou. Since the establishment of the mechanism, thanks to the joint cooperation of the District People’s Court and the District Administration for Market Regulation, the number of intellectual property infringement cases filed by enterprises in the District has dropped by 77.47% by the end of Aug. 2022.

  Be a good "waiter"

  Be the first to pursues reform of land use approval service

  There is no such thing as the most efficient, but only more efficient. Bearing in mind what enterprises think and were concerned, Huadu takes the lead in the city to pursue reform of land use approval service, positioning itself as a "waiter" for the high-quality development of enterprises.

  It pioneered the mode of "license release upon land purchase”, in which a virtual approval process is carried out, and the official approval document will be timely issued after the land acquisition. By announcing in advance land planning and design conditions, and by making contact and offering guidance for the optimization of the design plan, it only took the project 29 days from the land acquisition to the final approval of the design plan. The time for administrative approval of the design plan was cut from the previous 10 working days to 4 working days, which shortens the project development and construction time. This measure was adopted, optimized and promoted by Guangzhou Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in the Circular on Optimizing the Process of Construction Permits for Housing Construction Projects (Version 2.0) (Sui Jian Gai [2020] No. 11), which provides that project employers can carry out construction after land acquisition without applying permits for general plan and for construction project planning.

  The "Four-certificate Joint Process" mechanism has been replicated and promoted throughout Guangzhou city as a best practice, in which four departments, planning, civil air defense, fire safety and construction permit, are put together to work in the same process. Now the processing time has been cut from 47 working days to 5 working days, greatly improving the speed of project construction approval, and reducing construction costs of enterprises.

  Huadu District took the lead to have the first district-level inclusive prudential supervision mechanism in the city, researched and formulated a list of minor violations of laws and regulations in market operation that may be exempted, prudently exercised the power of administrative punishment, and prudently determined untrustworthy conducts. Based on actual practice of law enforcement, the first batch of 138 items subject to mitigated or reduced punishments and 128 items subject to exemption of administrative punishments were determined in accordance with law, and were announced to the public in the form of a list. So far competent authorities of the District have decided on mitigated or reduced punishment in 2,576 cases, exemption from punishment in 575 cases, and exemption or reduction of additional fines or late payment fees in 21 cases; the work of inclusive and prudent law enforcement has achieved obvious results.

  The new Government Service Center is endeavoring to create a new normal of government service featuring "warmth + speed + good attitude". In 2017, Huadu District began to plan and build a new government service center on the central axis of the urban CBD, which officially opened to serve the public on May 31, 2021. With a building area of 40,000 square meters, the main build of the Center has 11 different district-level service halls, bringing a one-stop, intelligent, efficient and convenient new service experience to enterprises and the public. Now, a total of 35 government agencies have taken their places in the Center, and opened 229 service windows to accept and handle 1,909 service items related to administrative licensing and individual affairs in the District, which completely solved the problem of "multi-place running" for the enterprises and the masses. From January to August 2022, the new Government Service Center served a total of more than 400,000 people and handled about 550,000 cases.

  The bugle calling for the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been sounded, and we shall take on our responsibility and strive to complete our mission. In the future, Huadu District will continue to thoroughly carry out and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions that Guangzhou should "take the lead in increasing the intensity of business environment reform" and "make new achievements in building modern international business environment", and will mobilize the strength of the whole District to solidly promote the implementation of various reforms to build a more competitive world-class business environment, and contribute our share to develop a northern growth pole of Guangzhou and construct the Greater Bay Area.