Guangzhou Huadu (International) Automobile Industry Base Recognized as A National Demonstration Industrial Park for Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations

  The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China Enterprise Confederation/China Enterprise Directors Association, and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce have recently recognized 350 National Demonstration Enterprises for Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations and 50 National Demonstration Industrial Park for Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations. Three enterprises (parks) in Guangzhou won the honor, and Guangzhou Huadu (International) Automobile Industry Base is the only industrial park among them.

  Established in 2003 with the approval of Guangdong Provincial Government, Guangzhou Huadu (International) Automobile Industry Base is an important part of Guangzhou's automobile industry, and has been successively won a number of titles, such as "National Torch Program Guangzhou Huadu Automobile and Parts Industry Base", "China Auto Parts Industry Base", "National New Type Industrialization Industry Demonstration Base", and "Guangdong Province-city Built Circular Economy Industrial Base Province and Municipality ". The Base is now home to 268 registered enterprises, and 232 enterprises that are included in its statistical coverage, including 154 supporting enterprises above designated size, 31 enterprises that are connected with Fortune Global 500 companies, and 4 listed enterprises. There are more than 47,000 enterprise employees working in the Base.

  All along, the Base has adhered to the approach of leading high-quality development by building highly quality CPC party. Giving full play to the role of the Party, government, trade union, and Communist Youth League, the Based units all forces to work together to do a good job in enterprise services, comprehensive management and stability maintenance, workplace safety, environmental protection, and fire protection among other. It has managed to effectively improve its capacity of labor relations governance, promote high-quality development of the Base with high-quality harmonious labor relations, making positive contributions to the city's economic recovery and development.

  Adhere to the leading role of party building and gather all energies to march forward. Taking into consideration of the fact that the industrial base consists of mainly enterprises, the Base established the Autocity Party Committee of non-public economic organizations in 2018. And in 2019 the pilot project of "Joint Red Party Building" among non-public enterprises was launched in Huadu District, Guangzhou, in which innovative working mechanisms were applied to further promote the pairing, interconnection and interaction between enterprise party organizations and party organizations of other types to urge enterprises to take on their social responsibilities, so that the red power can be utilized to provide new momentum for economic and social development. At the same time, following the principle of "build wherever should be", the Base established the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangzhou Huadu District Automobile Industrial Park, which actively guided enterprises to establish their own trade unions, and continuously expanded union coverage, and strengthened management and rights protection. Now, 135 parts and components enterprises (including 70 foreign-funded enterprises) have established their own trade unions, accounting for 60% of all enterprises in the Base; and there are 15,522 union members, accounting for 85% of all employees.

  Build an efficient service system to ensure the healthy development of enterprises in the Base. Under the leadership of the District Party Committee and the District Government, the Autocity Administrative Committee, as the main entity responsible for the planning, construction, investment promotion and service of the industrial base, actively coordinates with relevant towns, streets and functional departments to implement an interactive coordination mechanism. For example, in order to efficiently and timely coordinate and deal with labor disputes between enterprises and employees in the Base, Huadu Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security took the lead to establish the Autocity Labor and Personnel Dispute Mediation Center in the Autocity Party and Mass Service Center, which contributed to the forming of a normal mechanism where relevant work is led by the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, implemented by the Administrative Committee, and helped by parties of interest. Since 2019, the Center has handled 256 labor dispute cases of enterprises in the park, involving 755 employees and an amount of about 9.7913 million yuan. There were no mass disturbance caused by major labor disputes, and the legitimate rights and interests of workers were effectively protected. Meanwhile, the Autocity Administrative Committee took a further step to give warmth to enterprises. At the end of March 2022, the deteriorated pandemic condition in East China impeded the supply chain, and 131 companies in Shanghai and Jiangsu that supplied parts to Dongfeng Nissan and other key enterprises of the Base were prevented from operation. Under the guidance of the District Party Committee and the District Government, the Autocity Administrative Committee and relevant functional departments immediately established a special team to ensure the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain. They built a working system that "plan from the top, interact up and down, and coordinate government and enterprises", opened up the blockage points along the industrial chain and supply chain, and managed to secure a transportation pass, which was the first of its kind in Guangdong, for the leading enterprise of Dongfeng Nissan. They successfully responded to 354 enterprise appeals related to resumption of work and production of non-local suppliers, as well as to logistics and transportation. Their efforts contributed to the gradual recovery of production capacity, and helped to prevent any close down of enterprise or large-scale layoff due to the pandemic. .

  Play to the role model of advanced enterprisesUp to now, a total of 90 enterprises in the Base have been approved for the title of "Enterprise with Harmonious Labor Relations", including 41 "A-level", 20 "AA-level" and 29 "AAA-level” companies. The Autocity vigorously practices the idea of leading enterprises forward with enterprises. By organizing visits to and onsite studies in advanced typical enterprises, holding relevant training sessions, and inviting relevant persons in charge of advanced typical enterprises to share good experience and practices, the Autocity endeavors to create a strong atmosphere of "maintaining stability and promoting harmony" to prevent and resolve risks in the field of labor, and actively guides enterprises to participate in building harmonious labor relations. All these are aimed to achieve the harmonious win-win situation to be built and shared together for the "development of enterprises, and benefits of employees”, so as to help promote Huadu as "the first choice for investment in Guangzhou".