Dongfeng Nissan Announced "New Entrepreneurship Plan" for New Chapter of People, Car and Life


  On June 16th, Dongfeng Nissan held in Huadu, Guangzhou a Family Day event in celebration of its 20th anniversary. Over a thousand people, including Yang Qing, Deputy Party Chief and General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Chen Hao, Member of Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Xing Xiang, Party Chief of Huadu District, Li Xiaodong, Deputy Party Chief and Mayor of Huadu District, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Vice President of Dongfeng Motor Company Limited and General Manager of Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company, Gao Guolin, Vice President of Dongfeng Motor Company Limited and Deputy General Manager of Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company, Wang Qiang, Party Chief of Dongfeng Motor Company Limited (Dongfeng Nissan) , other former leaders who contributed to Dongfeng Nissan’s development, representatives from car dealers and suppliers that have been standing with Dongfeng Nissan in the past 20 years, car owners, media reporters, and employees of Dongfeng Nissan, gathered in Huadu to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the company.

  Chen Hao delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Dongfeng Motor Corporation and Dongfeng Motor Company Limited. Chen Hao said that Dongfeng Nissan, one of the most important business units of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, "was, is and will be supported unwaveringly and fully by Dongfeng Motor Corporation and Dongfeng Motor Company Limited in its development. They will provide a better environment for the high-quality development of Dongfeng Nissan, and help Dongfeng Nissan to gain competitive edge in the fields of new energy and intelligence, lead the comprehensive gear shift and acceleration of the automobile joint venture industry, and promote the upgrading and transformation of local automobile industry to high-end, intelligent and green development.”

  Xing Xiang, Party Chief of Huadu District pointed out that the 20th anniversary Family Day event was a witness of Huadu and Dongfeng Nissan's dream of moving forward hand in hand into the future with shared determination. "Standing at the historical new starting point, Huadu will stick to the automobile industry as the top priority of economic and social development, focus on the fields of intelligent network and new energy vehicles, and strive to build a 250 billion-level automotive industry cluster. We will also continue to treat Dongfeng Nissan's business as our own business. We will boost as well as borrow Dongfeng's strength. We will take more initiative and do a better job in providing services to help Dongfeng Nissan build more cars that need no refueling, have endless fun, and are durable and free of aesthetic fatigue”

  In implementing the core concept of "user is the king", Dongfeng Nissan officially announced a new upgraded version of the Ni+ user brand in Huadu, where the dream began. At the same time, targeting electric drive, intelligence and independent brand power as breakthrough points, the company has formulated a development route for the future, and announced the beginning of a new stage, the fission stage, of entrepreneurship. Dongfeng Nissan's begins its next 20-year journey.

  Brand new Ni+

  "Sharing, co-creation, and symbiosis" with users

  Dongfeng Nissan is no doubt one of the car companies that understand Chinese users best. "From the day I first came to China many years ago, the first response of nearly everyone was "people, car, life” when Dongfeng Nissan was mentioned”, said Takeshi Yamaguchi.

  After years of hard work, Dongfeng Nissan has an offline network covering more than 92% of cities and has gained the trust of more than 15 million users. Among the joint venture car companies, Dongfeng Nissan is leading the industry with nearly 3.4 million car users; and Nissan APP has about 6 million registered members, which is huge.

  This time, Dongfeng Nissan announces that it will strengthen the ecological community of "integrated symbiosis" of the company and its users by integrating the boundaries between the two on the basis of user whole life cycle. According to Yamaguchi, Dongfeng Nissan will present Ni+, a user operation ecosystem featuring "sharing, co-creation and symbiosis", offering four major sectors of "product services", "life with connected car", "life beyond the car" and "personal growth", through the online "Dongfeng Nissan Super APP" platform and offline channels.

  In terms of "product services", Ni+ one-stop service will provide after-sales maintenance, second-hand car services, value-added services and other services based on the full life cycle of products, offering users with complete, high-quality, and worry-free closed-loop services; in terms of "life with connected car", Ni+ intelligent connected services will continue to innovate and upgrade the connected experience, and build an intelligent mobile world where people, cars, and things are connected through Internet of Vehicles, intelligent algorithms, and other technologies; in terms of "life beyond the car", Ni+ Surprising Life will connect brand and users through diversified shopping malls and active community of motorists; Ni+ Car Owners will hold grand gatherings of car fans and the brand; and more Ni+ experience centers allow users to experience the life with Dongfeng Nissan car before owning one; and in terms of "personal growth", the Ni+ Partner Program and User Growth and Development Program will play a role in enhancing the co-creation of users and the brand, and motivating users to become in-depth brand partners.

  Guided by "sharing, co-creation, symbiosis", Dongfeng Nissan always puts user needs first, and thinks about potential ways to connect the brand and users.

  Targeting the top group of new energy joint ventures

  Create a new Dongfeng Nissan

  At the 20th anniversary event, Gao Guolin shared his memory of 20 years with Dongfeng Nissan. The scenes from the preparatory work in 2003 were vividly recalled: from the overgrown weeds, to the factory of the future, "all the past are lively present before the eye, and the hardships have resolved into pictures," Said Gao Guolin.

  In the past 20 years, Dongfeng Nissan experienced ups and downs, and turns and twists, and is now entering a facing a shifting world unprecedented in China's automobile industry in a century. Gao Guolin divided Dongfeng Nissan's 20-year entrepreneurial process into two stages: the first one is marked by Aeolus, in which Dongfeng Nissan started from scratch, bore in mind the aspiration of serving the country with industrial development, pushed forward without looking back, and blazed a path disregard of numerous difficulties; relying on cultural integration that eliminate the pain of joint venture and system capabilities that help rapid expansion, the company achieved the first landmark by passing the first 1 million threshold, and eventually become a model of joint venture and secure a place in the industry. The second one is marked by joint venture autonomy, in which Dongfeng Nissan created Venusia branch and opened the road of joint venture autonomy. Moving forward from imitation and following to independent research and development, Venucia glows with ever increasing intensity of light, and its growth has also promoted the process of forging Dongfeng Nissan's strength in full value chain. Now, Venucia has become the spearhead of Dongfeng Nissan in the fields of new energy, intelligence and youth-orientation; the independent hematopoietic ability with Venucia at the core has also helped Dongfeng Nissan to create the strongest system of joint ventures, which has created a cumulative industrial output value of more than 2 trillion yuan, driven the formation of an industrial layout featuring seven plants in six regions, and achieved win-win results with upstream and downstream partners along the whole value chain. On the basis of such achievements of system, Dongfeng Nissan now officially enters a new stage, the stage of new entrepreneurship. On this road, Dongfeng Nissan will start as if from nothing, and reorganize all sources to meet the industrial transformation that is unprecedented in a century.

  Gao Guolin announced on the spot that Dongfeng Nissan would go all out in the battlefield of new energy and create another Dongfeng Nissan. Driven by products, systems and technologies, the company aims to challenge the top group of new energy joint ventures in terms of sales volume and to start the second growth curve.

  As to product lineup, Dongfeng Nissan plan is to accelerate the introduction of electric drive models in the future, in particular, 7 electric drive models under the Nissan brand will be launched by 2026, and 80% of its product line will be electrically driven by 2030. At least 2 new energy models will be launched every year under the brand of Venucia. With the launch of the first plug-in hybrid model and the first new pure electric model this year, Venucia will fully shoulder the important task of "Dongfeng Nissan New Energy" transformation, build a system that is cable of selling 300,000 cars a year, gradually move to the target of annual sales of 500,000 cars, and eventually emerge as the second growth curve of Dongfeng Nissan. After returning to the Dongfeng Nissan system, the Infiniti brand has gathered platform and resource advantages to steadily promote the localization strategy and actively fulfill the brand promise, in order to bring to consumers richer experience of products and intimate service; and at the same time it will actively accelerate its progress in electrified products, so as to contribute to Dongfeng Nissan's ambition in Chinese luxury car market.

  As to system building, Dongfeng Nissan will strengthen cooperation with Huadu District to jointly build a R&D center, and will improve independent R&D capabilities to achieve 100% self-research by Venucia, so as to accelerate the implementation of localized technology. Continued effort will be made to consolidate the position of alliance No.1, promote the upgrading of the intelligent manufacturing system to improve quality; to improve the anti-risk ability of the supply chain, and strengthen global collaboration to enhance the strength of the supply chain; to improve and upgrade the 4S store system, NCH system, partner system, and super APP system, and enhance the strength of channels with innovative marketing forms and the mode of marketing by everyone; to make better use of the more than 15 million base users, create a new user-oriented brand, and improve user operation strength.

  As of technology upgrading, Dongfeng Nissan will continue to maintain and expand the multi-track technical approach, pushing forward in 5 directions, pure electric, super-hybrid e-POWER, plug-in hybrid, hydrogen fuel, and fossil fuel, and promoting at the same time the upgrade and iteration of intelligent driving, intelligent power, and intelligent interconnection technologies. Nissan brand will strive to reduce the cost of electric drive technology and accelerate the research and development of advanced battery technology; the Venucia brand will roll out a brand new pure electric platform technology in 2023, launch an upgraded CTC pure electric platform by 2028; all products will have new-technology batteries and new N-in-1 high-integration electric drive, upgraded full-dimensional intelligent cockpit ecosystem; and a new generation of electronic and electrical architecture will be adopted;

  Dongfeng Nissan will continue to improve its manufacturing and quality power, and to lead the alliance in the development of intelligent manufacturing strength; at the same time, it will consolidate the social responsibility system, and continue to take concrete measures, such as rural revitalization, education and public welfare, and low-carbon transformation, to build a trusted corporate citizen image, and stick to the corporate mission of "creating value and seeking common welfare".

  Family gatherings along the full value chain

  Passion never dies

  Every year, Family Day is a big gathering of Dongfeng Nissan and it big family, and this year is no exception. On the morning of June 16, nearly 4,000 people from partners along the full value chain walked down the “time aisle” in Huadu No. 2 Factory; there they looked back at Dongfeng Nissan's 20-year glorious history through old photos and precious historical materials, feel the entrepreneurial passion of predecessors, and absorb the spiritual power to move forward. Government-enterprise cooperation, capacity building, channel development, technological innovation... pictures and texts in the exhibition areas speaks of the sections of the huge Dongfeng Nissan system that have independent development history and yet are organically connected. Walking among them, it is like walking among the cabins of this 2 trillion yuan giant ship.

  In the celebration activity in the afternoon, as the organizer of the Family Day, veteran employees of Dongfeng Nissan recite a letter to Dongfeng Nissan in memory of the past, bringing the audience to the bygone days. Dongfeng Nissan sincerely invited 20-year veteran owners to the event site, where they emotionally shared their stories with Dongfeng Nissan. Lin Zhongjian, former Deputy Party Chief and Mayor of Huadu District, and Huang Xiaohua, former Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of Huadu District Party Committee, were also invited to the stage to share things big and small of the development of Dongfeng Nissan in Huadu. As representatives, 13 veteran car owners received honorary car owner medals from Dongfeng Nissan at the event.

  The event ended successfully with the collective celebration of Dongfeng Nissan's 20th birthday. For Dongfeng Nissan, the past 20 years is a period in which they walked hand in hand with the big family of the value chain, joined with 15 million users to create beautiful people, cars and lives, and cooperated with the government for win-win results. 20 years means vigor and passion. 20 years down the road of entrepreneurship, Dongfeng Nissan will adhere to its original intention, and set off for the new journey of the next 20-years.