"Beauty Economy" Blooms in Huadu: 2023 Guangdong Cosmetics Industry High-quality Development and Cosmetic Raw Material Innovation Conference Opens in the District


  Guangzhou is the highlight in China's beauty and cosmetic industry as China the global beauty and cosmetic industry. On September 17, the 2023 Guangdong Cosmetics Industry High-quality Development and Cosmetic Raw Material Innovation Conference Opened at the Steigenberger Icons Guangzhou in Huadu District. Themed on "Raw Material Innovation Leads to the Future", the conference is an effort to expand the cosmetics industry cluster, improve the images of "Cosmetics Capital of China" and "Beauty Capital of China", and help Guangzhou build a global "International Beauty Bay".

  The conference was hosted by the government of Huadu District, Guangdong Cosmetic Quality Management Association, and the Technical Committee for Cosmetics Science and Technology at China Health inspection Association. About 500 people, including leaders from the National Medical Products Administration, Guangdong Drug Administration, Guangzhou Administration for Market Regulation, Huadu District Government, and industry experts and enterprise representatives of domestic and foreign cosmetics industry, gathered together to discuss the new development path of the industry.

  Relevant leaders attending the opening ceremony of the Conference gave detailed investment promotion presentation about the development advantages of Huadu in transportation, industrial ecology, industrial policy, and livable city. The conference also held a launching ceremony for "Light of Craftsmanship Spirit", an initiative that encourages cosmetics enterprises to respect, guard, and inherit craftsmanship spirit, to focus on raw material innovation, and to empower high-quality development of the cosmetics industry with innovation.

  The number of cosmetics manufacturers in Guangdong has reached more than 3,000, which is about half of the whole country, and the 1,800 cosmetics manufacturers in Guangzhou accounts for more than 60% of the province. As an important place in the cosmetics industry, Huadu is leading in many ways in China, such as industrial foundation, innovation ability or fashion trend. In recent years, the cosmetics industry in Huadu has developed vigorously, and a whole industrial chain is taking shape, which has cosmetics manufacturing at the core, and covers chemical industry, packaging design, transportation logistics, advertising & marketing, and e-commerce. At present, Huadu District is among the top three of China in all three categories: number of active enterprises, number of patents obtained, and number of trademarks. As of August this year, Huadu District's over 280 licensed cosmetics manufacturers secured it the second place among districts of Guangzhou.

  Huadu, praised as the "Beauty Capital of China" and "Cosmetics Capital of China", is adhering to the guideline of planning on a high level, constructing with high quality and building to high standards, and trying to create a fashion and beauty industry cluster with a global vision, and striving to build a development pattern of "one core and four parks". On the part of the image, a demonstration area of the of Cosmetics Capital of China will be created that integrates science and technology, fashion, brand and green; and on the part of the functions, focus will be placed on brand headquarters and e-commerce headquarters to generate headquarters economic effects, on building brand street and new retail areas based on brands, on building a center for release of fashion culture, and on cultivating fashion event brands. At the same time, the four major production parks will be well utilized to realize seamless alignment of "R&D-production-sales" in the cosmetics industry, and connect upstream and downstream industrial chain resources to build a cosmetics industry base integrating powerful technical research and development strength, strong manufacturing capacity and diversified marketing channels, setting a leading benchmark for cosmetics industry development in Guangzhou, Guangdong and even the whole country.

  Solving the problem of raw materials is of great significance to promote the transition of the cosmetics industry from "manufacturing" to "quality manufacturing", and is necessarily required by the growth of high-quality development of cosmetics industry. At the conference, industry experts and enterprise representatives from different fields had a number of wonderful sessions of exchanges and sharing on topics from regulations and supervision, quality and safety, R&D and risk assessment, to operation and efficiency improvement, in addition to the latest raw material innovations and technology applications. The Conference effectively helped to promote the cooperation and exchange between cosmetics enterprises, improve the construction of the quality management system of the cosmetics industry, promote the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, achieve resource sharing and complementing of advantages, and push forward the transformation of the cosmetics industry from "large volume" approach to "high quality” one.

  Industry development accelerates

  The "beautiful economy" blooms at a higher speed

  The "Beauty Capital of China" headquarters cluster project, which covers an area of more than 113,000 square meters from Fenghuang South Road to the bank of Huadu Lake, is making the final sprint for the completion and full operation at the end of October. "There are 8 companies coming soon into the park, and nearly 20 companies have completed registration. Our plan is to build supporting facilities for the entire industrial chain to realize the transformation from 'up floor and down floor' to 'upstream and downstream',” said Lin Chun, founder of "Beauty Capital of China" and president of Huadu District Cosmetics Industry Association, being confident in the future of the project.

  The "Beauty Capital of China" headquarters cluster project is the "one core" in the industrial layout of "one core and four parks", which is part of the aims pursued by Huadu to accelerate high-quality development of the cosmetics industry. And the "four parks" refers to Huadu West Cosmetics Industrial Park, Xinya Jinghu Industrial Park, Huashan Overseas Chinese Industrial Park and Xiuquan Xinhua Industrial Park, which have attracted many well-known enterprises in the industry to visit them and negotiate for cooperation. At the same time, the "multi-point support" provided by the development of a number of new cosmetics industrial parks, including Guangdong Beauty Valley Industrial Park, IBC Global Live Broadcast Base, Guangdong Hongyu Zhihui Beauty and Cosmetics Park, Far East Beauty Valley Industrial Park, Meidong Industrial Park, Adolph Degu Industrial Park, injected new impetus for the development of Huadu's cosmetics industry.

  Under the guidance of the top-level design, Huadu District has chosen the industrial layout of "one core, four parks and multiple bases", and the development model of "headquarters sales + manufacturing" for the integrated development of the Beauty Capital of China.

  The headquarters cluster area by Huadu Lake coordinate the sharing of investment promotion, R&D and design, brand building, exhibition and trade fair, intellectual property rights, talent training, influencer e-commerce and other industrial chain resources to create a beauty industry headquarters cluster with an annual output value of more than 10 billion yuan. The first phase of Huadu West Cosmetics Industrial Park will occupy 60 acres of land for production of cosmetics; following the core concept of green smart manufacturing, the area will be divided into four major function zones, namely, green manufacturing zone, innovation incubator zone, product service zone, and living and supporting zone, so as to create a cosmetics production base with an annual output of 5 billion that has an industrial cluster in an optimally used space.

  Good policies and good services

  Activate "beautiful economy"

  From January to August 2023, the total industrial output value of above-scale cosmetics manufacturers in Huadu District increased by 13% year-on-year. As of August 31, 2023, Huadu District has more than 280 cosmetics manufacturers, ranking second in terms of number in the city, and one-quarter of them are above-scale cosmetics manufacturers.

  Such satisfying numbers rely on Huadu's unique advantages in location and transportation and in excellent industrial ecology, and especially on Huadu's first-class business environment that aims to "help entrepreneurs, befriend investors, and serve taxpayers".

  Scientific land use planning: place the "one core, four parks and multiple bases" as the key area, coordinate the research of industrial layout, plan to build cosmetics industrial parks and have them included in the provincial and municipal key project pools, and strive to provide no less than 165 acres of industrial land for the cosmetics industry by 2025. Comprehensive and careful supply of factory buildings: support enterprises to build modern cosmetics factories through state-owned land transfer, village-level reserved land, village-level industrial park transformation, and other ways; and support cosmetics industrial parks to provide preferential policies such as "confirming and selling property rights by buildings, or by floors" to enterprises in the parks. Stimulation of ambition in innovation: offer up to 1 million yuan subsidies to enterprises that have established internal R&D institutions and spend more than 10 million yuan in R&D in the current year. Considerate and warming talent protection: provide combined services that cover "both the elderly and the young" to attract high-end cosmetics professionals to gather in Huadu to innovate and start businesses. Convenient and considerate government services: take the lead in the city to introduce the 26 Pro-Business and Enterprise Supporting Rules and other policies, the city's first "extremely fast" model for seals and stamps service, and the city's first "land certificate immediately after auction" mechanism, among others to provide whole-process optimized and warming services to enterprises.

   In cultivation of brand matrix, Huadu has 3,500 independent brand trademarks and nearly 2,000 patents. Ridgepole, Fawa, Huashi, Babaoli and other enterprises have developed rapidly after their settlement in Huadu, and well-known brands such as Adolph, Wetcode of Danz, and Xuelei have also set up production bases in the District. Moreover, well-known raw material enterprises such as Fenhao Fragrance and Huatu Cosmetics Technology are also the result of the District's cultivation. Huadu District is now an important player in the cosmetics industry, ranking second in the city in terms of the number of production enterprises.

  Single-mindedly pursue development

  Make a name for the "International Beautiful Bay”

  "Our goal by 2025 is to push the cosmetics industry in the District to cross the 30 billion yuan threshold of scale, and cultivate 2 listed cosmetics enterprises, and 5 "specialized, refined, differentiated, and innovative” cosmetics enterprises." At the beginning of this year, Huadu District set a "wind spinner" for the high-quality development of the cosmetics industry. According to a relevant person in charge from the District Administration for Market Regulation, the District will further promote industrial upgrading, optimize industrial layout, expand development space, further improve the basic supporting facilities of industrial parks, improve urban service functions, and build logistics, finance and other public supporting service systems in the parks. At the same time, enterprises will be guided to build their own brands, so as to form groups of brands with independent innovation capacity, high-end quality, high-quality service, excellent reputation, and market recognition, making "Made in Huadu" a synonym of high quality and high level.

  While the cosmetics industry is walking down the road of high quality development, Huadu District is also actively exploring new development paths for the beauty industry and concentrating on promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. At present, in respect of enterprise cultivation, Huashi District has witnessed the emerge of many new development models in the cosmetics industry, for example, Huashi Company's mode of "raw materials + independent brand", Keying Group's "scientific and technological R&D + Chinese fashion raw materials + digital transformation", and Polyacer's "livestream e-commerce one-stop customization + nanny-style service".

  Huadu has also specially formulated a mind map for high-quality development of cosmetics industry, in order to draw a road map for the "scale, brand, green and high-end oriented" development of the industry in the District, with emphasis on raw materials and innovation. In the future, Huadu will closely center on the implementation of the development strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, set high-quality development as the primary task, move with the inherent needs of high-quality development of cosmetics, aim at the frontier of science and technology in the cosmetics industry, and accelerate the formation of a good ecology for the high-end, high-quality and high-tech development of the cosmetics industry, to realize the clustered, concentrated, and intensive development of the cosmetics industry in Huadu, build a demonstration zone for the high-quality development of the industry, and accelerate the process of building Guangzhou into an "international beautiful bay" with a global reputation.